To learn more about Acolyte check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Acolyte check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Review and ratings
Other information
Basic Attack
Valid hits: 1
Cooldown: -
Fires a sniper rifle, dealing damage to target in front.
Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Plague Treatment
Valid hits: -
Cooldown: -
Every basic attack heals all allies within attack range for 2% of their max HP.
Level 2: HP +5%
Level 3: HP +5%
Level 4: HP +10%
Level 5: After being deployed, lose 0.5% HP/s for 30s (Cannot be removed). Every 3s, increase ASPD by 3% (Up to 10 stacks, Cannot be removed).
Tainted Blood Transfusion
Valid hits: 2
Cooldown: -
Every 2 basic attacks, consume 10% of own HP to fire an enhanced attack. Allies within range recover 10% of their max HP.
Level 2: EVA +5%
Level 3: EVA +5%
Level 4: EVA +10%
Level 5: When using enhanced attack, allied Soldiers/C.O. units above 80% HP gain 15% increased HP for 15s (Up to 2 stacks, Summons excluded).
Death Sentence
Valid hits: 3
Cooldown: -
The Acolyte cannot recover HP. After dying, inflicts knockback on the furthest target and Stun them for 5s. Does not apply to targets exceeding valid hits.
Level 2: HIT +5%
Level 3: HIT +5%
Level 4: HIT +10%
Level 5: When HP falls below 50%, all enemies lose 10% Anti-Soldier/C.O. DMG for 20 sec. (Up to 2 stacks).
Acolyte stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
PVE (Early)
PVE (Late)
Acolytes are long-range healing supporters with a self-damage gimmick. Unlike most other units, Acolytes cannot be healed.
In PVE, it is generally preferred to use units that stay alive throughout the fight without needing to be redeployed. Since Acolytes will inevitably die after a certain period of time, this makes them less than ideal. For the same 3-cost you spend on Acolytes, you can get healers (such as Rearmed Chinatsu and Evelyn) who not only heal the entire team without killing themselves, but also provide other forms of buffs.
Acolyte is one of the strongest PVP healers in the game because of how Jungle gear (see gear recommendation) interacts with healing reduction debuffs. The greatest advantage of Jungle gear is it offsets healing reduction debuffs. This allows Jungle healers to continue healing in situations where traditional Support CDR healers cannot. Acolyte benefits heavily from Jungle sets because the usual trade off, Skill Haste for Outgoing Healing, does not apply to them.
On top of Acolyte’s raw healing numbers, their on-death backline stun effect is a powerful disruption tool that disables the enemy backline and even does a considerable chunk of damage.
Long-ranged healing
CC on enemy backline after death
Reliant on niche relic gear
A unit that kills themselves is not useful in PVE specifically
Other information
Set: ASPD Tank
Benefits the most from healing enhancement wild gear.
Set: ASPD Tank
Benefits the most from healing enhancement wild gear.
The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).
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