Blue Blood ElizabethInformation and Guide


Blue Blood Elizabeth is a SSR Rarity character from the
Ranger class and
type. They are part of the Blue Blood faction.

They are a Rearmed Character - if you're looking for the base version of that character please check this profile.

To learn more about Blue Blood Elizabeth check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Blue Blood Elizabeth check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.


Review and ratings

Other information


Combat information
Deployment Cost
4 cost
Movement Type
Attack type
Crowd Control
Perfect Evasion

Basic Attack

Valid hits: 1

Cooldown: -

Throws several daggers at a target.

Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +3%

Level 6: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 7: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 8: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 9: Basic Attack DMG +2%

Level 10: Basic Attack DMG +5%


Blue-blooded Angel

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: -

Surrounds herself with CRF upon entering battle, inflicting AoE damage where she's deployed. Retreats after the AoE attack.

Level 2: ATK +2%

Level 3: ATK +2%

Level 4: ATK +3%

Level 5: Passive attack DMG +50%

Level 6: ATK +2%

Level 7: ATK +2%

Level 8: ATK +2%

Level 9: ATK +3%

Level 10: Additional DMG by 15% of targets' current HP (Bosses and ships excluded)


Noblesse Wings

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: 22 seconds

Shoots knives from her wings, inflicting AoE damage on enemies in front. Increases DMG RES by 50% for this skill's duration.

Level 2: DMG +3%

Level 3: DMG +3%

Level 4: DMG +9%

Level 5: Valid Hits +1, DMG RES +80% instead

Level 6: DMG +3%

Level 7: DMG +3%

Level 8: DMG +3%

Level 9: DMG +6%

Level 10: Special skill cooldown -0.5 s per Basic attack


Pendragon Resolution

Valid hits: 3

Cooldown: 48 seconds

Materializes her ancestral swords, inflicting AoE damage on and around the target. Stuns the targets for 5 seconds.

Level 2: DMG +3%

Level 3: DMG +3%

Level 4: DMG +9%

Level 5: Skill always inflicts CRIT damage

Level 6: DMG +3%

Level 7: DMG +3%

Level 8: DMG +3%

Level 9: DMG +6%

Level 10: Valid Hits +1


Last Heiress

Valid hits: -

Cooldown: -

Maintains her dignity on the field as a proud member of her clan. Casts Perfect EVA for 6 seconds upon deployment.

Level 2: HP +10%

Level 3: +2 seconds to PE duration

Level 4: HP +10%

Level 5: +2 seconds to PE duration


Blue Blood Elizabeth stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!

KR Release Date
December 28th, 2021
GLOBAL Release Date
December 8th, 2022



PVE (Early)


PVE (Late)




Blue Blood Elizabeth is a great upgrade to her base version that makes her a better pick than before in PVP. Due to her skills getting higher modifiers, a full ATK-build Rearmed Elizabeth can one-shot SR ships like Abraham and deal over 50% damage on deploy against SSR ships.

This is possible because rearmed Elizabeth can hit ships on her ETB, while her base version is unable to. To be honest, this is somewhat broken and some KR players aren't happy with the lottery gameplay that sometimes loses you the match in the first 10 seconds.

Also, Perfect Evasion allows her to live long enough to deal damage and kill her enemies.

Pros & Cons

- can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield,

- Perfect Evasion on-deploy keeps her alive long enough that she can actually use her Special attack,

- the 15% current damage added to on deploy attack is broken.


- she's still blind as a bat and misses her attacks sometimes, so be aware of that.

Other information

Gear recommendation
PVE gear

Set: Spectral Bullet/Chain with Anti-Ranger/Sniper subs, OR Melee Damage ATK/CDMG Britra Relics

EE is garbage, do not bother with it. Hit accessories are extremely important.

PVP gear

Set: Spectral Bullet/Chain with Anti-Ranger/Sniper subs, OR Melee Damage ATK/CDMG Britra Relics

EE is garbage, do not bother with it. Hit accessories are extremely important.

The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).