Lee YumiInformation and Guide


Lee Yumi is a SSR Rarity character from the
Defender class and
type. They are part of the Police SWAT 4 faction.

To learn more about Lee Yumi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Lee Yumi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.


Review and ratings

Other information


Combat information
Deployment Cost
3 cost
Movement Type
Attack type

Basic Attack

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: -

Swings a sword materialized out of her Watch and inflicts AoE damage.

Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +5%


Out of the Way!

Valid hits: -

Cooldown: -

Confidently charges without thinking twice. Increases EVA by 50% for 20 seconds when deployed.

Level 2: DMG Taken -2%

Level 3: DMG Taken -2%

Level 4: DMG Taken -4%

Level 5: Passive buff also decreases DMG Taken by 15%


Spinning Edge

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Spins and moves toward the target, inflicting AoE damage. Enemies lose 30% of HIT and focus their attacks on her for 5 seconds.

Level 2: Cooldown -1 s

Level 3: Cooldown -1 s

Level 4: Cooldown -2 s

Level 5: Debuff also decreases enemy's ATK by 10%


Dual Blade

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: 52 seconds

Divides her sword into two and swings them with incredible speed, inflicting AoE damage on surrounding targets. Increases EVA by 50% for 15 seconds after this skill's effect.

Level 2: DMG +5%

Level 3: DMG +5%

Level 4: DMG +15%

Level 5: Buff also decreases DMG Taken by 10%


Grinding Paddle

Creates a barrier worth 20% of Max HP when using Special Skill.

Lee Yumi stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!

KR Release Date
February 27th, 2020
GLOBAL Release Date
May 27th, 2022



PVE (Early)


PVE (Late)




Lee Yumi was (keyword, was) one of the best SSR Defenders in the game. Among many Defenders, she is one of the few who rely on EVA to tank, which comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Yumi's advantages come with her costing only 3, and her self-buff, which massively buffs her survivability for 20 seconds on deployment. A similar buff is cast on her ult, which lasts 15 seconds. However, these buffs still rely on evasion - meaning it is all down to the odds often times if she lives or not. Also, she might not live to ult, especially in PVP.

The bigger concern about Yumi, however, is that she does not do much aside from tanking. Yes, she will stay alive and draw out attacks, but other than that she does not do anything while other tanks like Serapel, Chifuyu, and Awakened Na Yubin provide damage and team protection, debuff and stun, and terminal-illness-to-towers-and-barriers, respectively.

She's also directly powercrept by newer 3 cost Defenders, such as Rearmed Alex.

Despite all that, her low cost and decent tankiness still makes her a good unit for new players, especially in PVE.

Pros & Cons

- evasion allows her to ignore CC and CRIT,

- low cost makes her fit in a variety of teams in PVP and PVE.


- Snipers counter her easily,

- any debuff that lowers EVA will make her die really fast.

Other information

Gear recommendation
PVE gear

Set: Full Tank

PVP gear

Set: Full Tank

The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).