LyudmilaInformation and Guide


Lyudmila is a SSR Rarity character from the
Sniper class and
type. They are part of the Old Administration: Maze Division faction.

To learn more about Lyudmila check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Lyudmila check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.


Review and ratings

Other information


Combat information
Deployment Cost
4 cost
Movement Type
Attack type
Crowd Control

Basic Attack

Valid hits: 1

Cooldown: -

Remotely controls a naval cannon and periodically fires at a single target in front. Targets Air units within range first and stops attacking if the target dies or moves 1500 reach away from her.

Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +5%

Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +5%


Maintain Battle Front

Valid hits: -

Cooldown: -

Unlocks a new power every time an ally leaves the field, depending on its type. Increases CRIT if they're Counters and ATK if Soldiers by 5%, up to 50%. If Mechs, creates a barrier equal to 15% of Max HP for 10 seconds.

Level 2: CRIT DMG +5%

Level 3: CRIT DMG +5%

Level 4: CRIT DMG +10%

Level 5: CRIT/ATK +10% instead (Up to 50%)


Coordinates locked!

Valid hits: 2

Cooldown: 24 seconds

Telekinetically gathers enemies in front and levitates them, and then fires a cannon at them, knocking them backward with AoE damage.

Level 2: DMG +5%

Level 3: DMG +5%

Level 4: DMG +15%

Level 5: Cooldown -4 s


Last-ditch Effort

Valid hits: 4

Cooldown: 63 seconds

Musters up her strength and throws an abandoned ship. This ship crashes onto the ground and continuously pulls enemies before it explodes with AoE damage.

Level 2: Cooldown -2 s

Level 3: Cooldown -2 s

Level 4: Cooldown -4 s

Level 5: Last attacked targets' SPD & ASPD -25% for 15 s


Lyudmila stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!

KR Release Date
September 10th, 2020
GLOBAL Release Date
July 21st, 2022



PVE (Early)


PVE (Late)




Lyudmila is a long-range flying Sniper who feeds on her own teammates to make herself stronger. She is very squishy, but thankfully she is an Air type, and also her range is pretty good, so she can stay safe in the backline rather easily.

Her basic attacks lock her onto a target, much like Sobin's, and do great damage with a fast attack speed, while her skill and ult stall the enemy very well by throwing them far away. Also, she is a versatile employee that can be used in great synergy with many other units because of her passive: when you use her with Counters, her CRIT will shoot through the roof; when you use her with Soldiers, her ATK will bolster her already great damage (that ignores Ground Res in PVP, by the way); Mechs do not increase her offensive ability, but make her able to take a hit thanks to the barriers she gets when a Mech ally dies.

In PVE, you normally do not want your employees to die, so her passive there is harder to stack, but she still has a great amount of single target DPS and strong crowd control. She shines in Shadow Palace (especially floor 3 where Air teams have an easier time), Dive 48-50, and Challenge Act 4-8 vs Harab among other content that needs Air units, long-range attackers, or a lot of CC.

In PVP, she is great for teams that like to stay at the base because of her stalling capability that comes with a great deal of damage, but unfortunately for her, the best Anti-Air Employee in the game exists in the same event that she comes from.

Pros & Cons

- her passive drastically increases her stats,

- safer in the sky due to being Air type,

- good damage/CC combination.


- squishy, like super squishy,

- requires allies to reach her full potential.

Other information

Gear recommendation
PVE gear

Set: CDR DPS or Autoattack DPS

PVP gear

Set: CDR DPS or Anti-Striker Autoattack DPS

EE is not worth the investment.

The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).