To learn more about Rosaria le Friede check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Rosaria le Friede check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Review and ratings
Other information
Basic Attack
Valid hits: 1
Cooldown: -
Creates a small flame and inflicts damage on a target in front. Stomps on approaching Air units, knocking them backward with AoE damage.
Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Owner of the Throne
Valid hits: -
Cooldown: -
Permanently increases ATK by 1.5% with each kill, up to 15%.
Level 2: HP +5%
Level 3: HP +5%
Level 4: HP +10%
Level 5: Immunity to all damage for 4 s upon deployment
Destructive Light
Valid hits: 3
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Fires blazing beams at enemies in front, causing Hitstun and AoE damage.
Level 2: DMG +5%
Level 3: DMG +5%
Level 4: DMG +15%
Level 5: Redeployment resets Special skill cooldown, also causes Hitstun to targets in Special Skill mode
Punishing Edge
Valid hits: 3
Cooldown: 55 seconds
Rises from her throne and summons a fiery sword, swinging it once. Inflicts AoE damage on enemies in front and levitates them.
Level 2: DMG +5%
Level 3: DMG +5%
Level 4: DMG +15%
Level 5: Ultimate skill cooldown -15 s when redeployed
Tyrant's Blade
Rosaria le Friede stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
PVE (Early)
PVE (Late)
Rosaria is a PVP-oriented glass cannon damage dealer valued for the massive on-demand burst damage of her Special Skill. Rosaria’s on-deploy Special skill cooldown reset allows her to spam special skills and gives players control over where and when they need it. As a result, she can take full DMG% gear without the tradeoffs (skill haste at the expense of damage) that apply to other characters.
Rosaria’s Alternium Reactor improves her Special skill damage and makes her significantly more cost-efficient. Rosaria has bordered on the cusp of viability for the longest time owing to her cost issues. Her reactor solves all these. She now sees frequent play in PVP.
In PVP, Rosaria’s Special skill cooldown reset encourages her to be cycled repeatedly over the course of a match, chunking the enemy team with every cast. As mentioned above, Rosaria is a glass cannon. She is exceptionally squishy and dies to the slightest pressure. She is almost always played in risky, forward positions to reach deep into the enemy backline. Even though Rosaria does not have the survivability to last long in those positions (read: dies instantly), just the Special skill itself can be enough to swing the game in her favor.
- Special skill is can one shot most squishy targets and resets with redeploy.
- Very squishy.
Other information
Set: Autoattack DPS
Set: Autoattack DPS
The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).
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