To learn more about Tommy the Die-hard check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Tommy the Die-hard check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Review and ratings
Other information
Basic Attack
Valid hits: 1
Cooldown: -
Pushes and damages a target with a shield.
Level 2: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 3: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 4: Basic Attack DMG +5%
Level 5: Basic Attack DMG +5%
We'll Die Separately
Valid hits: -
Cooldown: -
The self-styled leader of his team, he enters battle with his teammates, Jerry and Mickey. Tommy's Level, Limit Break, and gear effects are also applied to Jerry and Mickey.
Level 2: HP +5%
Level 3: HP +5%
Level 4: HP +10%
Level 5: Deployment resources +1 when the self-styled leader, Tom, dies
Stop Standing Behind Me
Valid hits: -
Cooldown: -
Flaunts himself and draws enemies' attention. Basic attacks force their targets to attack him for 5 seconds.
Level 2: DMG Taken -2%
Level 3: DMG Taken -2%
Level 4: DMG Taken -4%
Level 5: After every 2nd Basic attack, he forces 2 nearby enemies to target him for 5 seconds.
Tommy the Die-hard stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
PVE (Early)
PVE (Late)
As a low rarity unit, Tommy the Die-hard does not have the stats necessary to meet the baseline requirements expected of them as a frontline tank. Tommy the Die-hard does not possess relevant utility that would justify using them. There are no trade-offs within the kit that would compensate for the stat deficiency. For all scenarios, there exist more effective alternatives for the role.
Tommy the Die-hard pros & cons aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Other information
Set: Full Tank
Set: Full Tank
The gear recommendations have been simplified and you should use them in combination with this guide (for PVP) and this guide (for PVE).
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