JoanneBuild and Guide


Joanne is a Epic rarity character from the Supporter class who belongs to the Undead faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Joanne check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Joanne check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Magical/Physical Resistance Down
Mana Reduction/Drain
Damage over Time (Others)
Shield (Allies)
Build info
Speed > ATK > HP
Speed > ATK > HP

Leader Crippling Plan-ω

Type: Damage - Single

Fires a ω shot meant for taking down a powerful foe towards the enemy with the highest ATK, dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK and applying 3 stacks of the "Weakness Exposed" debuff, which permanently decreases their Physical/Magic Resistance by 1.2%. Receiving direct damage from Joanne's attack skills while this debuff is active increases "Weakness Exposed" stacks (up to 20 stacks).

  • "Chemical Projectile Plan-β " - 1 stack

  • "Concentrated Barrage Plan-δ " - 2 stacks

  • "Leader Crippling Plan-ω " - 3 stacks

Level 101:

Damage changes to 330%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 360% and grants an effect that permanently decreases 400 Mana every 2 seconds.


Concentrated Barrage Plan-δ

Type: Debuff

Fires a δ shot above the nearest enemy, removing 2 buffs from enemies within a 3m radius of the target, dealing damage equal to 180% of ATK, decreasing their Physical/Magic Resistance by 10%, and applying Poison to them, which deals 50% damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 200%, poison damage changes to 55%, and Physical/Magic Resistance decrease changes to 12.5%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 220%, poison damage changes to 60%, and Physical/Magic Resistance decrease changes to 15%.


Support Fire Plan-α

Type: Healing

Fires an a shot to the ally with the lowest HP, applying the "Self-Healing Cycle" buff to allies in a 9m, 45-degree arc that restores their HP equal to 100% of ATK and then restores the same amount again after 6 sec.

Level 21:

Recovery changes to 115%.

Level 121:

Recovery changes to 130%. Activation of "Self-Healing Cycle" removes 2 debuffs from the target.


Chemical Projectile Plan-β

Type: Damage - AOE

Kicks a β grenade towards the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 150% of ATK and creating a Venom Area within a 2.5m radius of the target for 8 sec. This area poisons all enemies in it, dealing damage equal to 30% of ATK every 2 seconds for 4 seconds (up to 3 stacks).

Level 41:

Damage changes to 165%, poison damage changes to 35%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 180%, poison damage changes to 40%. Three or more stacks of poison apply "Poison Vulnerability," which increases poison damage by 50% for 16 seconds.


Battle Triage Plan-γ

Type: Healing

Joanne's normal attack is replaced with ""Battle Triage Plan," firing an γ shot to the ally with the lowest HP to restore their HP equal to 100% of ATK.

Level 61:

Recovery of Battle Triage Plan changes to 120%.

Level 161:

Using "Battle Triage Plan" to an ally with "Self-Healing Cycle" immediately activates the effects of "Self-Healing Cycle" at 1.5x effectiveness.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Hybrid Spray

Type: Active

Level 1: Using the main skill permanently decreases all enemies Physical/Magic Resistance by 2% (up to 10 stacks).

Level 7: Using the main skill permanently decreases all enemies Physical/Magic Resistance by 3% (up to 10 stacks).

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: HP +15%

Level 7: Lead Soul: HP +45%



Artifact Skill


Type: Buff

When the battle begins, Joanne's Speed increases by 5%. While Joanne is on the battlefield, activating "Self-Healing Cycle" grants a shield that absorbs damage equal to 80% of Joanne's ATK for 10 seconds, This effect is multiplied by 1.5 when Level 3 "Battle Triage Plan-y" is activated.

Upgrade 1:

Speed increase changes to 7.5%.

Upgrade 2:

Speed increase changes to 10%.

Upgrade 3:

Speed increase changes to 12.5% and shield HP changes to 100%.

Upgrade 4:

Speed increase charges to 15%.

Upgrade 5:

Speed increase changes to 17.5%.

Upgrade 6:

Speed increase changes 20% and shield HP changes to 120%.

Artifact Stats


Buffer / Sustain

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Our newest undead healer, Joanne is a powerful support that is a jack of many trades and master of a few ones.

Her Main skill will target an enemy and remove 2 buffs from the targets next to it, while also decreasing their physical and magic resistance by 15% for 12 seconds. This is right off the bat a very significant on demand defense shred. It also inflicts Poison on the target, dealing damage based on Joanne's ATK.

Her subskill 1 provides healing to the target with the lowest HP% and giving them the 'Self-Healing Cycle' effect, restoring HP also to the targets close to it in a 45 degree arc and also removing 2 debuffs from the target. Her second subskill provides another source of Poison on the enemy - at 3 stacks, it will also inflict Poison vulnerability on the enemy, increasing the poison damage by 50% for 16 seconds. Her second subskill will replace Joanne's normal attacks with 'Battle Triage Plan', healing the ally with the lowest hp based on Joanne's atk. If the ally has the 'Self-Healing Cycle' effect, she will trigger it immediately at a 1.5 effectiveness.

Last - but not least - her Ultimate inflicts 3 stacks of the 'Weakness Exposed' debuff, decreasing the target's Physical/Magic resistance by 1.2% per stack. These stacks are permanent, so using her ultimate once at the start of a boss fight will allow you to deal more damage overall. You can increase the stacks by damaging the enemy with Joanne's Main skill, sub skills and subsequent ultimate casts. Despite this, it stacks up pretty slowly, making her even more reliant on speed. As an added bonus, her ultimate also decreases the target's Mana by 400 every 2 seconds, which is also a permanent debuff once cast!

Joanne's artifact is pretty powerful, granting her much-needed Speed and adding a shield effect to 'Self-Healing Cycle' for 10 seconds based on Joanne's ATK. The more invested her artifact, the faster her debuff will stack up which of course means higher potential damage. If you're planning on pulling for Joanne, getting her artifact raised will certainly be important, especially for raids.

Joanne is a powerful support that can significantly raise the DPS potential of your team, but she has a few issues that are worth keeping in mind;

Her healing capacity is dependant on Joanne using her subskills and auto attacks, meaning you don't have an easy way to heal your units on demand for emergency healing. Further, the fact the Self-Healing cycle heals in a smallish AoE centered on a specific target adds a lot of RNG depending on the target and their position.

Joanne is a great addition to undead teams in raids since she can fit well in teams centered around either twins or Violette. The only thing that makes it a bit hard to pull for Joanne at this point in time is the announcement of Chaos Catherine, who will be joining the roster very soon.

Considering the new chaos souls will be limited to their debut/rate up banner and then will be only available with Alchemy, you should ask yourself if you will have enough resources for Catherine before deciding to pull for Joanne.

Pros & Cons

  • Great utility

  • Powerful debuffs for raids


  • No on-demand healing

  • Very reliant on speed to cycle through subskills

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • "Kanna doesn't look well."

  • "I learn a lot when I'm with her."

  • "I want to have body as strong as a Soul."

  • "Seriously, can you not say that?"

  • Get something to eat.

VA & Release
Release date
April 4th, 2024
Kim Yool
Various information
Personal information
Combat Medic
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
New type of treatment
Un-cooperative Patients
Reading research papers