
Raid Boss

A returning boss from our favorite doomed yuri chapter (1.7), the Echoes of Opera twirls its way into Mane’s Bulletin to be matched with any team that has that special certain someone that does all the work for them. Pick your main character, mind the dazzling spotlights, and prepare for a grand show..

There are a total of 3 types of enemies in this fight:

  • The Misplaced Artist who appears as the enormous burning ghost.
  • The blue shade, known as the Stand-In Actor.
  • Finally, the red spirit, called the Impromptu Spectator.

Field Hazards [Endless Mode]

  • After each action, allies gain DMG Bonus and Leech Rate for that round.
  • All allies (regardless of Afflatus) have increased stats.
  • At the start of each round, enemies gain a layer of [Growth] that increases their DMG Dealt. Whenever an enemy dies, they dispel all stacks of this from their other allies.

Boss Mechanics [Endless Mode]

Misplaced Artist

Note: This boss has SS Reality DEF and S Mental DEF, meaning that Mental Carry characters are favored in this raid.

  • Special Seat - Upon entering combat, declares the leftmost Arcanist the [Special Guest] and grants them 10 stacks of [Heightened Standards]. Damage taken from Arcanists without [Special Guest] is reduced by 30%.
    • → [Special Guest]: Gain massively increased stats when attacking Misplaced Artist. At the start of the round, generate a random precast Incantation of the carrier.
    • → [Heightened Standards]: If the carrier is holding 5+ stacks, they do not gain any stat bonuses when attacking Misplaced Artist. If holding 9+ (max 10) stacks, cannot act (this bypasses [Immunity]).
      • The idea here is that you designate 1 character to be your Carry for the fight, and essentially play around lowering their stacks of [Heightened Standards] to allow them to deal actual damage.
  • Voice Within - When enemies take lethal damage, dispel 2 stacks of [Heightened Standards] from the [Special Guest]. When the [Special Guest] is targeted by a Heal or Buff Incantation, dispel 1 stack. If the Incantation is a 1-target Incantation, dispel an additional stack.
    • The way you’re going to remove stacks of that pesky [Heightened Standards] (which is really sad if you think about it from the story context). Essentially, this favors Supports who have single-target Incantations such as Vila, Yenisei and 6 while still allowing other Supports to be used.
  • Unforgettable Performance - At the end of the round, deals Mental DMG to all enemies and additional Genesis DMG to the [Special Guest]. If attacked by the [Special Guest] this round, it also inflicts 4 stacks of [Heightened Standards].
    • Essentially the reason why people run characters like Windsong, Kaalaa Baunaa or other characters who prefer their damage output in fit bursts rather than consistent over-time application.
  • Control Immunity - As is standard with the main body of a boss, the Misplaced Artist is immune to [Control] effects.
  • Like the other Raid Bosses, when maximum [Eureka] is reached, the boss enters a [Shield] phase for 2 rounds before casting its Ultimate. If the [Shield] is broken, they are knocked out for a round and lose all their [Eureka].
  • [Buff] Card - Self-buff. Gains a shield for 1 round that reduces DMG Taken by 50% while its active.
  • [Debuff] Card - Mass debuff. Inflicts DMG Taken +50% for 1 round.
Stand-In Actor
  • Roaming Shade - When taking lethal damage, regain 100% Max HP and enter [Daze] for 1 round.
  • [Attack] Card - Deals 1-target Mental DMG
Impromptu Spectator
  • Roaming Shade - When taking lethal damage, regain 100% Max HP and enter [Daze] for 1 round.
  • [Attack] Card - Deals Mental DMG to 2 targets.


Mental DMG carries shine in this fight, especially those with access to high Burst DMG such as Windsong, Kaalaa Baunaa and Marcus. However, other more niche characters like Charlie and Voyager also still work.

To note is that this Raid is… lowkey, kind of easy if you have the right units. During testing we found that we could hit S rank turn 10 with a team entirely made of i2l50 characters (Windsong / Avgust / Vila / Voyager) and while this could be a testament to Windsong more than anything, any decently built team that follows the fight’s mechanics is going to perform relatively well.

Carry / Support

A team oriented around the newly released Windsong, this team focuses on keeping her stacks low using Vila and 6 while prepping her burst window with various buffs and 37’s [Supplementary Formula] in the back pocket.

  • Windsong is absolutely the core of the team here, Everything is geared towards allowing Windsong to prep as much “For Rehabilitation” Incantations as she can. Then, during the [Mapping] from her Ultimate, she unleashes your entire hand with 37 in the back spinning the gacha wheel on her enemies.
  • 6 is here for multiple reasons: a defensive anchor, since Windsong is taking extra damage for being the [Special Guest]. Secondly, because he gets access to a somewhat consistent [Incantation Empowerment I] through his Eureka which allows him to help Windsong build her hand.
  • Vila is pretty obvious here. Single target healing and buffing allows her to keep [Heightened Standards] low on stacks while her passive Mass healing and access to +Moxie/Eureka help her both keep the team healthy and smooth out other character’s cycles.
  • 37 is the most replaceable part of this team. Watching the gacha wheel spin several times per Ultimate cast is fun, but it’s not necessarily the optimal way to play it. Characters like Voyager and Ezra (especially Ezra) who offer further Crit support on top of their defensive options are greatly appreciated.

For other options:

  • Yenisei - As a powerful defensive healer, the further you go into Endless mode, the more valuable she becomes. In addition, her access to upgrading her own cards through her [Flow] buff greatly aided in this fight specifically.

A team surrounding Kaalaa Baunaa, partially because of the BNW exploit doing so well here, but also partially as a Marcus team. Both these Gals are extremely powerful, work well in the raid and can occupy a similar team. Just make sure your composition adheres to the minimum requirement needed to activate [Perusal] if you’re using Marcus.

  • Kaalaa Baunaa is the main contender here. Her high Crit Rate allows her to exploit characters like Vila who give a lot of Crit Rate stats, which in turn lets her benefit off of Isolde and Ezra who, when combined, generate a LOT of Crit DMG in turn. In addition, Kaalaa Baunaa is one of the few characters who can comfortably utilize the BNW bug.
  • Marcus is also a core option here, able to quickly upgrade her own cards through the consumption of Eureka which allows her to do consistently high damage. In addition, Vila allows Marcus to build more into Crit, allowing her to do the same thing as KB and put Isolde/Ezra to work. Naturally, if Vila is unavailable, there are other character options too.
  • Isolde is here for her massive Crit DEF shred playing well with the rest of the set-up and her great Mass DMG over the course of the fight. Consistent [Power Burst] and semi-regular [Rousing Morale] near the mid-stages of the fight also greatly help both Marcus and KB.
  • Ezra Theodore is here because [Discernment] and [Fragile] both slot really well into this team. Partly because it is very Crit focused, and partly because KB is able to consume multiple stacks at once under her Ultimate. In addition, his sizable shields help keep the team safe through the later stages of the fight.
  • Vila is pretty obvious here. Single target healing and buffing allows her to keep [Heightened Standards] low on stacks while her passive Mass healing and access to +Moxie/Eureka help her both keep the team healthy and smooth out other character’s cycles. Her Crit buffs also smoothen out KB’s stats while putting Marcus in the realm of being a Crit Carry.

For other options:

  • An-An Lee - Works with both KB and Marcus. For the former because she has good buffs and an AP-positive playstyle, for the latter because if Vila isn’t there Marcus does better in raw DMG comps and AAL counts towards her Insight requirements.
  • 6 - Is here as a generalist with access to a wide range of (de)buffs, a strong single-target Ultimate and [Incantation Empowerment I] while also counting towards Marcus’ Insight requirements.
  • Melania - Melania is practically made to function in Mane’s Bulletin; extended fights with a single-target are her specialty as she can comfortably stack [Fixed Plan] to ramp up her damage without worrying about killing her opponent too quickly.