VerinaBuild and Guide


Verina is a 5 rarity character from the
Spectro element who uses the Rectifier type weapon.

With an extensive knowledge of botany, Verina is always solicitous, always smiling, and always wishing for every flower to be blessed with the miracle of life.

To learn more about Verina check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Video guide

This character has no video guide yet.

Last updated

Verina profile has been last updated on June 17th, 2024.

To learn more about Verina check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Gameplay and teams



Active skills
Passive skills
Concerto skills
Basic Attack


Basic Attack

Verina performs up to 5 consecutive attacks with vines, dealing Spectro DMG.

Heavy Attack

Verina consumes Stamina to charge forward, dealing Spectro DMG.

Mid-air Attack

Verina consumes Stamina to perform up to 3 consecutive attacks in mid-air, dealing Spectro DMG.

Mid-air Heavy Attack

Hold Basic Attack to consume Stamina and perform mid-air Plunging Attack, dealing Spectro DMG..

Dodge Counter

Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge, to attack the target, dealing Spectro DMG.

Lv. 1
Part 1 Damage
Part 2 Damage
Part 3 Damage
Part 4 Damage
Part 5 Damage
Heavy Attack Damage
Mid-Air Attack Part 1 Damage
Mid-Air Attack Part 2 Damage
Mid-Air Attack Part 3 Damage
Mid-Air Heavy Attack Damage
Dodge Counter Damage
Heavy Attack Stamina Cost
Mid-Air Attack Stamina Cost
Mid-Air Heavy Attack Stamina Cost
Resonance Skill

Botany Experiment

Verina converges an energy field in front to grow foliage, dealing Spectro DMG within the range.

Lv. 1
Skill Damage
Con. Energy Regen
Resonance Liberation

Arboreal Flourish

Verina nourishes nearby foliage at rapid speed, dealing Spectro DMG while restoring HP to all team members nearby. A Photosynthesis Mark is applied to the target on hit.

Photosynthesis Mark

Whenever a team member nearby performs an attack on targets with a Photosynthesis Mark, Verina performs a Coordinated Attack, dealing Spectro DMG while restoring HP to the party members dealing damage, triggered once per second.

Lv. 1
Skill Damage
Arboreal Flourish Healing
Coordinated Attack Damage
Coordinated Attack Healing
Photosynthesis Mark Duration
Res. Energy Cost
Con. Energy Regen
Forte Circuit

Starflower Blooms

Heavy Attack: Starflower Blooms

When casting Heavy Attack, if Verina carries "Photosynthesis Energy", Verina consumes 1 stack of "Photosynthesis Energy" to recover Concerto Energy and restore HP for all party members nearby; Heavy Attack: Starflower Blooms deals Spectro DMG, considered as Heavy Attack damage.

Mid-air Attack: Starflower Blooms

When casting Mid-air Attack, if Verina carries "Photosynthesis Energy", Verina consumes 1 stack of "Photosynthesis Energy" to recover Concerto Energy and restore HP for all party members nearby; Mid-air Attack: Starflower Blooms deals Spectro DMG, considered as Basic Attack damage. Verina can cast Mid-air Attack: Starflower Blooms by using Basic Attack after casting Heavy Attack: Starflower Blooms.

Photosynthesis Energy

Verina can hold up to 4 "Photosynthesis Energy". Verina obtains 1 stack of "Photosynthesis Energy" for every Basic Attack V on hit; Verina obtains 1 stack of "Photosynthesis Energy" for every Resonance Skill Botany Experiment on hit; Verina obtains 1 stack of "Photosynthesis Energy" for every Intro Skill Verdant Growth on hit.

Lv. 1
Heavy Attack: Starflower Blooms Damage
Mid-Air Attack: Starflower Bloom Part 1 Damage
Mid-Air Attack: Starflower Bloom Part 2 Damage
Mid-Air Attack: Starflower Bloom Part 3 Damage
Starflower Blooms Healing
Photosynthesis Energy" Con. Energy Regen
Inherent Skill

Grace of Life

Verina protects a party member from fatal damage and grants a shield with strength equal to 120% of Verina's ATK, lasting for 10s. This can be triggered once every 10 minutes.

Inherent Skill

Gift of Nature

When Verina casts Heavy Attack Starflower Blooms, Mid-air Attack Starflower Blooms, Resonance Liberation Arboreal Flourish or Outro Skill Blossom, ATK for all party members is increased by 20% for 20s.

Intro Skill

Verdant Growth

Verina attacks the target, dealing Spectro DMG.

Lv. 1
Skill Damage
Con. Energy Regen
Outro Skill


Verina recovers HP to The next character (or other characters on a nearby team that activates an Outro Skill) equal to 19% of her ATK per second for 6s. All Characters on nearby teams gain 15% all-Type DMG Deepen for 30s.

Resonance Chain (Dupes)

Sequence Node 1

Outro Skill Blossom grants the next character a continuous Healing effect, recovering HP equal to 20% of Verina's ATK every 5 seconds for 30s.


Sequence Node 2

Resonance Skill Botany Experiment additionally grants 1 [Photosynthetic Energy] and 10 Concerto Energy.


Sequence Node 3

Healing of Resonance Liberation's Photosynthesis Mark is increased by 12%.


Sequence Node 4

Heavy Attack Starflower Blooms, Mid-Air Attack Starflower Blooms, Resonance Liberation Arboreal Flourish and Outro Skill Blossom increases the Spectro DMG Bonus of all team members by 15% for 24s.


Sequence Node 5

When Verina heals a team member with HP less than 50%, her Healing is increased by 20%.


Sequence Node 6

Heavy Attack Starflower Blooms and Mid-Air Attack Starflower Blooms deal 20% more damage. They will trigger Coordinated Attack 1 time and heal all characters nearby. The DMG of this Coordinated Attack and the Healing are equal to those of the Resonance Liberation's Photosynthesis Mark.

Minor Fortes (Total)
Healing Bonus
Healing Bonus
Include minor fortes
Lv. 90
Max Energy
Healing Bonus
Spectro DMG
Upgrade Materials
Character Ascension (total)
  • 4x LF Howler Core
  • 12x MF Howler Core
  • 12x HF Howler Core
  • 4x FF Howler Core
  • 46x Elegy Tacet Core
  • 60x Belle Poppy
  • 170 000 Shell Credits
Skill Upgrades (total)
  • 25x LF Howler Core
  • 28x MF Howler Core
  • 40x HF Howler Core
  • 57x FF Howler Core
  • 25x Lento Helix
  • 28x Adagio Helix
  • 55x Andante Helix
  • 67x Presto Helix
  • 26x Monument Bell
  • 2 030 000 Shell Credits

While the source of the materials can be quickly found in the game, when it comes Belle Poppy you will have to gather them from the map. Check our Ascension material map guide to find them quickly:

Voice Actors
Heather Nicol
Sasahara Yu
Zhao Shuang
Kang Sae Bom



Verina is a 5-star Spectro Rectifier wielder Support that brings a wide array of buffs and healing utilities for her teammates, making her an indispensable member regardless of your team composition. Contrary to other supports, Verina’s buffs are applied to all of her teammates simultaneously. On top of this, they’re not only easy to trigger, but can also maintain their uptime almost indefinitely. She also has an impressive cheat death mechanic with her Inherent Skill - Grace of Life which can save you in a pinch.

Her Forte Gauge relies on charge mechanics, allowing her to accumulate up to 4 Photosynthesis Energy charges. These are gained by hitting an enemy with either the 5th part of her Basic Attack, her Intro skill or her Resonance skill. She can then expend these charges to enhance her Mid-Air Attacks or Heavy Attacks, allowing them to heal all allies for a considerable amount while also generating significant amounts of Concerto Energy, which is essential to maximize her supportive capabilities.

Her Resonance Skill, which deals a mediocre amount of Spectro damage in a range, generates both 30 Concerto Energy and a considerable amount of Resonance Energy. Plus as an added bonus, utilising her Resonance Skill is one of the two easiest and fastest methods for her to generate charges for her Forte Gauge.

Similar to her Resonance Skill, her Ultimate’s damage is nothing to write home about, however it does heal all her allies whilst marking the enemies hit by it with Photosynthesis Mark for 12 seconds. This allows allies attacking marked enemies to trigger an additional attack by Verina for slight damage as well as some healing.

Verina requires minimal time on the field; only enough to conduct her heals, maintain uptime of her buffs and generate the required Concerto Energy for her outro. Despite that, she features not only the best healing capabilities, but also access to a wide array of buffs unmatched by other characters. Combined with her extreme easy to play and master skill set, which only requires managing her Resonance Skill cooldown and Forte Gauge charges, Verina can make combat incredibly forgiving for her teammates, allowing them to take hits without any major concern.

In addition to her healing capabilities, Verina brings unmatched 15% Generic Damage amplification on her Outro Skill, which affects her entire team and lingers even after switching characters - an extremely rare trait among various Outro amplifications present in the game. If all that was not enough, she grants a whopping 20% ATK boost to all characters on the team for 20 seconds whenever she heals! Adding Echo & sets to the mix, Verina prefers a combination of Bell-Borne Geochelone Echo & 5P Rejuvenating Glow set which allows her to grant a semi-permanent ATK% boost, temporary DMG% boost and protection from a set number of attacks. In the instance another character is using the above set, Verina can make use of the 5P Moonlit Glow and Impermanence Heron Echo combo instead.

Overall, Verina is currently one of the most powerful characters in endgame owing to her unmatched Sustain and Support capabilities. This plus her ease of play and low field time requirement makes her stand head and shoulders above her peers in the same role, cementing her place as best Sustain and Support in the game.

Pros & Cons

  • Strong team-wide heals and buffs

  • One of the best Outros in the game, granting every unit 15% DMG Amplification

  • Can effortlessly enable the 5P Healer set bonus without sacrificing her weapon choice

  • Takes very little field time given her immense benefits

  • Easy to use, understand, and play

  • Cheat death mechanic

  • Is the best Support in every single team in the game currently


  • Intro causes her to enter in the air, delaying the use of her Echo, Ultimate and Resonance Skill, sometimes limiting her options


This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Wuthering Waves current most demanding content Tower of Adversity (ToA). ToA is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, strong Echoes and good Weapons. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target), Elite packs (2-3 targets) and AoE scenarios (5+ Targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there's a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end.

Please keep in mind Wuthering Waves is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Wuthering Waves is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.


Tower of Adversity

Video guides

Verina guide videos aren't available yet.


Best Weapons


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 337 | Energy Reg.: 51.8%

A utility-focused weapon prioritizing lightning-fast Concerto rotations over raw output with the ability to transform entire units' action priorities under the right circumstances. Not always a good choice but when implemented correctly makes all the difference. Also offers an immense amount of Energy Regen further accelerating rotations and supportive capabilities.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 300 | Energy Reg.: 32.3%

An easily accessible supportive option with a reasonable amount of Energy Regen. It also grants the unique ability to gain a sizable chunk of raw Resonance Energy once every 20 seconds. For most character's rotations in teams, this bonus will be ready every time it's their turn to switch-in, making this weapon a great choice for any character who doesn't need damage but needs their Ultimate fast and has trouble accessing it otherwise. The flat energy gain is more powerful the less energy the character and team they are a part of can generate.


Stats at Level 90: ATK: 337 | Energy Reg.: 51.8%

Best Echo Sets


2 Set: Healing increases by 10%.

5 Set: Upon healing allies, increase ATK of the entire team by 15%, lasting 30s.

Best Main Echoes

Echoes in Wuthering Waves are an essential part of the character rotations, granting a large amount of Resonance Energy and damage but at the cost of high field time for the most powerful ones. But by using some Echoes right before you're about to switch out on the character, you're able to move to your next character while your previous one is still in the echo animation - it’s what we call an Echo Swap Cancel.

Echo Swap Cancel is almost always the optimal way to use Echoes, and will result in big reductions in character field time and large increases to DPS, but not all of the most powerful Echoes can be swap cancelled in this way. For example, the Feilian Beringal (Aero), Dreamless (Havoc), Tempest Mephis (Electro), Mourning Aix (Spectro), and Infernal Rider (Fusion) Echoes can all be Swap Cancelled.

The remaining element, so Glacio while having powerful Echoes has none powerful enough that can be swap cancelled, and to make things worse, no Echoes that generate sufficient Energy and damage for their field time investment.

The result of this is that you can expect Glacio characters to have higher field time and lower DPS in calculations than their other elemental counter parts until they receive better Echoes to use.


Rejuvenating Glow

This Echo is an essential asset that almost every team in the game aims to include thanks to its excellent offensive and defensive benefits. The reason for this is the excellent 10% DMG boost it provides throughout its duration but also 50% damage reduction barrier it provides as well. The only catch these buffs have is that they only last for 3 hits meaning after you've taken them you'll lose the buff until you can re-apply it again - even so almost every team aims to have 1 user of this echo. Almost always the main echo of choice for users of the 5P Rejuvenating Glow set.

Best Echo Stats
4 cost
Healing Bonus
Healing Bonus
3 cost
Energy Regen
Energy Regen
3 cost
Energy Regen
Energy Regen
1 cost
1 cost

Substats: Energy Regeneration (Until Breakpoint) > ATK% > Flat ATK

Best Endgame Stats (Level 90)

Important! CRIT DMG has base value of 150% and Energy Regen has a base value of 100% when you check them in game. The recommended values below don't include the base value but rather show how much on top of it you need to obtain.

  • HP: 18000+

  • DEF: 1000+

  • Energy Regen: 70-90%+

    • Verina generates a reasonable amount of resonance energy of her own but has an ultimate that costs a staggering 175 energy meaning she relies on the team-wide 50% energy share and a large amount of ER to gain her ultimate in a timely manner.

    • Verina's Ultimate is important for Concerto generation and also has excellent team healing benefits making it worth building around.

    • To ensure the ultimate is available in a timely manner we recommend as much ER as possible on Verina with 70-90% being a comfortable amount.

Skill Priority

Below you can find the order of leveling the abilities for Verina.

Forte Circuit

Res. Liberation

Res. Skill

Basic Attack

Intro Skill

Gameplay and teams


When playing Verina focus on achieving the following in combat:

  • Keep your Resonance Skill on cooldown at all times, unless its usage interrupts use of other higher priority cooldowns or DPS burst windows.
  • Always utilize Verina’s Ultimate as frequently as possible aside from saving it for healing purposes.
  • Use her Echo as frequently as possible asides from saving it for usage just before a burst combo.
  • Use her Forte Gauge charges to quickly generate Concerto Energy, Heavy attacks generate the most energy, however you can use Aerial Attacks instead to quickly use all charges instead.
  • Ensure you trigger a heal from Verina, every 20 seconds to keep her Attack% boost active for the combat duration, moreso just before main damage combos or cooldown expiry. This can be achieved via spending her Forte Gauge charge, using her Outro or using her Ultimate.

verina is very flexible and can be used in any team really.

Example Teams

verina is very flexible and can be used in any team in the Support slot.


Damage Profile

Verina damage profile isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Damage Output

Verina calculations aren't available yet.