In this guide, we offer information about the basics of team building and examples of pre-made teams. Please note that these are just guidelines, and not hard rules. Due to the existence of several key factors — that we will go over in a minute — that somewhat restrict the ways teams can be built in AFK Journey. If you don’t see your preferred character in this guide, it doesn’t mean they’re not viable; in that case just refer to our Tier List or character page to see what place they have in teams.
Faction Bonus

While creating a team, it is important to maximize your faction bonus. Whenever more than 2 characters of the same faction are put on a team, the entire team’s stats are increased by a certain percent. This means you’re incentivized to keep your teams to two factions at most, though the

Note that it’s not worth it to go for a mono-faction set-up. Not only do most factions not have 5 characters that both are good and synergize with one another, the extra stats are just not worth it when compared to the utility of some of the meta characters. Instead, most teams function on a ‘core’, which is a set of 3 characters of the same faction that dictate what faction the team will run around. The other two units are then added based on synergy or power.
Standard Team Setup
Even though there are many possible teams in this game, more often than not, they will follow the same style of building when deciding between which characters to use.
- Pick a Tank. Tanks are the key figures in a team, even if their presence doesn’t often decide the other characters that will make up the team. Tanks have an exceedingly small roster, so be careful with who you pick to build around the faction bonus.
- Pick 1-2x DPS. Their main task is to kill the enemies before they kill you.
- Pick 1-3x Support. Supports are often the backbone of a team. Though most Supports (depending on the character) can provide enough sustain on their own, sometimes their kits trade raw healing output for things like buffs or debuffs.
- Flex spot. Pick a Specialistor a second Tank.
- Specialists are either characters with quirky kits, or characters that focus on multiple roles at the same time. A key observation you may have is that the “good” Specialists often provide something in terms of buffs, debuffs or enhancements for your other characters,
Team Suggestions
Team compositions typically feature a core of 3 units of the same faction (so you can activate the +10% stat bonus), with the other 2 being flexed either between another faction or non-matching units. Below you will find beginner core teams for Maulers and Wilders who are the most common ones you will use for AFK Pushing.
Low Dupe Mauler Team

If you are just starting on a new server and don’t have
Information about the team members
- Antandra is tanky even at low dupes and paradoxically works best as a frontliner before Mythic+. Best used with a second frontline character to buff with her Shield.
- Cecia is a guaranteed drop from the tutorial summons and she can be used as a frontliner thanks to Antandra’s shield (and taking damage also charges up her ultimate faster).Brutus is a one-dupe wonder that can often buy enough time for your dps characters to get some damage in, and for supports to charge up their ultimates. Last but not least,Lucca can also be used as a second frontliner thanks to being quite tanky even at low dupes.
- Odie works best for our faction bonus, but typically wants Mythic+ to unlock his full potential. If you can make the faction bonus work using the flex slot, consider runningLily May instead as she is one of the best dps carries overall.
- Smokey & Meerky while not providing the damaging AOE before Mythic+, can still provide consistent healing and buffs as long as you can protect them from being interrupted. If interruptions are a concern, consider runningKoko instead as she can provide a lot of sustain with Rowan to speed up her ultimate.
- Rowan is used as an Energy Regen source to speed up ultimates while also offering some healing.
Mythic Mauler Team (Smokey Team)

The typical Mauler AFK pushing team is built around
Information about the team members
- Phraesto offering two bodies to soak up damage and Energy Regen for the team, is the best pick for the Tank slot.
- Nara is a one dupe wonder who serves great utility in AFK pushing by bringing enemies within Smokey’s ultimate range and executing low health enemies. Alternatively,Lumont can serve the same purpose of gathering enemies.
- Smokey & Meerky is the core of the team, and main source of damage, while also healing and providing buffs to the team.
- Rowan is perfect for this ultimate-based team as he serves the role of accelerating ally ultimates, quickly advancing Smokey through the stages of their ultimate and also allowing Koko to get her ultimate out as soon as possible.
- Koko provides more staying power with her ultimate’s Damage Reduction buff, making this team very hard to kill if she gets her ultimate off.
Other options:
- Antandra orBrutus - While Phraesto is the best pick for tank, we can use Brutus or Antandra as a replacement while also keeping the faction bonus. But make sure to bring a second tank in the Flex Position such as Thoran, Lucca, or even Lucius, because Brutus does not last long in the frontline, and Antandra typically works best as an off-tank.
- Odie - In stages where we don’t need all the sustain of the standard formation, Koko can be replaced by Odie for more damage, and to help kill stragglers that didn’t get pulled into Smokey’s ultimate.
Mythic Lightbearer Team (Hugin-Odie Team)

A team taking advantage of the Lightbearer faction’s sturdiest characters along with the talent tile’s Hogan summon to hold the line and support a high damage carry.
Information about the team members
- Hugin offers ATK and HASTE buffs, shields, and for the ally behind him, he also provides Energy Regen.
- Rowan helpsHugin and everyone else cycle ultimates faster, making the team harder to kill and further increasing damage output.
- For the flex slot, typically we bring yet another support. Hewynn offers the most raw healing,Koko offers more buffs and damage resistance,Lorsan offers burst healing and damage duplication.Smokey & Meerky offers the true damage and sustain the Smokey team is known for. We can also just bring another DPS carry ifOdie alone is not cutting it.
- Odie is important to this team because unlike most characters who wander around, Odie remains in place, taking full advantage lf Hugin’s buffs and Energy Regen on the tile etched behind Hugin.
- For the tank slot, we want another Lightbearer to close out the requirement for the tile. Lucca is the best of the two, butLucius can also work well thanks toRowan allowing him to spam his shield ultimate.
Mythic Wilder Team (Eironn Team)

The second major AFK Pushing archetype is the
Information about the team members
- Ulmus takes advantage of Eironn’s ultimate to root enemies in a tight cluster, setting them up to take more damage.
- Eironn is the core of the team, and ensures enemies are stunned and grouped up right away.
- For damage carries, typically we want those who synergize with crowd control, and as far as raw damage output goes, Carolina andArden are some of the best in CC teams. You can use either one of them, or even both.
- The secondary damage dealer can be someone who enables the other damage carries, such as Bonnie, who has crowd control built into her kit along with decently high damage, or a specialist likeParisa, who can buff the other damage dealer and also deal devastating damage to the tight group of enemies with her attacks, or any other damage dealer who synergizes with crowd control.
- For the flex slot, there are many options. We can bring Temesia to keep enemies busy while also dealing damage; we can also bringRowan to speed up our damage carries ultimates. We can also bringTasi to deliver her powerful ultimate while the enemy remains stunned, among other options.
Other options:
- LenyaAlsa orFlorabelle - All of these damage carries also bring their own CC to the table and can be slotted in, especially at lower deficit, but typically aren’t the best options for high deficit AFK pushing,
- Lorsan - brings more damage, buff and some sustain,
- Damian - If you find yourself needing a little bit of extra sustain, consider slotting in Damian in the flex slot for some safe healing and Haste buff.