Gives a non-cancellable barrier to all allies equal to 4.5% of their max HP that lasts for 10 seconds. While the barrier is active, allies' damage taken is reduced by 10%. Additionally, allies Mechs gain Special Skill DMG +4.75% for the duration of the barrier.
Gives a non-cancellable barrier to all allies equal to 15% of their max HP that lasts for 10 seconds While the barrier is active, allies' damage taken is reduced by 10%. Additionally, allies Mechs gain Special Skill DMG +20% for the duration of the barrier.
Striker > Ranger
Villetta can be considered a faster-paced side-grade to Sigma, since she drops the Defender from the trigger order in exchange for a smaller shield (20% vs. 15%).
In PVE, Villetta sees niche use in Consortium Coalition Battle as part of high level Tyrant Gigas strategies for her team-wide barrier. Both Villetta and Sigma provide shields, but Villetta is slightly better because her simpler operator proc order means teams aren’t forced to bring a defender to trigger the skill effect, losing a team slot in the process.
In PVP, Villetta fills the niche of being a defensive PVP operator for fast-paced striker lead comps. However... this niche does not exist. There are no comps that utilize Villetta’s frankly underwhelming Command skill effect. Many fast-paced comps would sooner use Kim Hana for more tempo and leading a striker means they could run Serina Crew instead.
- Very easy to trigger
- Comps that can use Villetta would sooner use someone else.
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