MercuriaBuild and Guide


Mercuria is a 6 rarity character from the Spirit afflatus who deals Mental damage and belongs to the Support class.

A character who can provide buffs based on the rank of incantations that her allies use. Her Ultimate also provides all allies with [Rank Adjustment], a new mechanic that allows Incantations to be considered of a higher rank when cast.

To learn more about Mercuria check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Video guide

This character has no video guide yet.

Last updated

Mercuria profile was last updated on September 2nd, 2024.

To learn more about Mercuria check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Stats & Build

Synergy & Teams




Mercuria was released during the 2.0 patch in the CN version of the game. We translated Mercuria skills ourselves, as such, there's a chance of localization errors. We will add the official translations as soon as they will be released. Please contact us directly to report any errors.

Morning Star for the Night

Mass attack. Dispels 2 random [Stats Up] or [Status Pos] from all enemies. Then, deals 400% Mental DMG and grants all allies [Adjustment], lasting for 2 rounds.

This night, the world and I received gifts from each other."


If an Incantation has a rank, add +1 to its rank when resolving it (does not affect the Incantation's own effects).

Restless Souls



1-target attack. Deals 160% Mental DMG. Restores the HP of the ally with the lowest HP by (the user's ATK *50%); For each rank 2/3 Incantation in the action zone, an additional 30/50% Mental DMG is dealt, up to 250%.

The spotlights are like a wave."



1-target attack. Deals 240% Mental DMG. Restores the HP of the ally with the lowest HP by (the user's ATK *50%); For each rank 2/3 Incantation in the action zone, an additional 30/50% Mental DMG is dealt, up to 250%.

The spotlights are like a wave, overflowing with restlessness."



1-target attack. Deals 400% Mental DMG. Restores the HP of the ally with the lowest HP by (the user's ATK *50%); For each rank 2/3 Incantation in the action zone, an additional 30/50% Mental DMG is dealt, up to 250%.

The spotlights are like a wave, overflowing with restlessness, yet longing for peace."
Self Focusing



Mass buff. Critical Rate +20% for all allies. Gains 4 [Cosmic Energy], lasting 2 rounds.

As focused and dazzling as a morning star."



Mass buff. Critical Rate +25% for all allies. Gains 5 [Cosmic Energy], lasting 2 rounds.

With the focus and brilliance of a morning star, she sank into herself."



Mass buff. Critical Rate +30% for all allies. Gains 6 [Cosmic Energy], lasting 2 rounds.

With the focus and brilliance of a morning star, she led everyone to sink into themselves."

Cosmic Energy

Force Field effect: Increases DMG Dealt by the allied party corresponding to the amount of stacks *2% (up to 25 stacks, each stack lasts for an independent time and cannot be dispelled).

Insight 1
Long Journey
Insight I

Upon entering combat, gain 8 stacks of [Cosmic Energy], lasting for 2 rounds. When an ally uses an Incantation of rank 1/2/3, 2/3/4 stacks of [Cosmic Energy] are added respectively, up to 25 stacks. Upon entering combat, gain Moxie corresponding to the amount of allies with natural Afflatuses (Plant, Beast, Mineral, Star), up to 3.

Insight 1
Long Journey
Insight II

Upon entering combat, ATK +5%.

Insight 1
Long Journey
Insight III

At the start of the round, if at 9 stacks of [Cosmic Energy] or above, Crit DMG of all allies +30%, lasting 1 round. If at 16 stacks or above, all allies Incantation Might +20%, lasting 2 rounds. At the end of the round, if allies have used two or more rank 3 Incantations, own Moxie +1.

Special effects

Cosmic Energy

Force Field effect: Increases DMG Dealt by the allied party corresponding to the amount of stacks *2% (up to 25 stacks, each stack lasts for an independent time and cannot be dispelled).

Mercuria Portray
Portray details

Lv. 1

Long Journey: At the end of the round, the condition for gaining Moxie becomes 2 or more rank 2 incantations.

Lv. 2

Long Journey: The effects are increased to Critical DMG +50% and Incantation Might +30%.

Lv. 3

Long Journey: The upper limit of [Cosmic Energy] is increased to 30 stacks and DMG Bonus *2.5% per stack.

Lv. 4

Morning Star for the Night: Mental DMG dealt increased to 475%, and the duration of [Adjustment] +1.

Lv. 5

Long Journey: [Cosmic Energy] lasts for +1 round, and DMG Dealt +3% per stack.




Mercuria review isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Pros & Cons

Mercuria pros & cons aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.


A character who can provide buffs based on the rank of incantations that her allies use. Her Ultimate also provides all allies with [Rank Adjustment], a new mechanic that allows Incantations to be considered of a higher rank when cast.




Standard (GLB)


Standard (CN)


Mane (GLB)


Mane (CN)

Stats and Build


For Resonance, we have created a dedicated website to browse them easier. You can find the website here:


Mercuria Psychubes aren't available yet. They will be added soon!


Mercuria stats aren't available yet. They will be added soon!

Synergy & Teams

Synergy & Teams

Mercuria Synergy & Teams information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



Mercuria Lore information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!