Tier List

Special thanks

The tier list was created with the help of Conowen who shared his thoughts about the characters and their performance with us. You can find his YouTube channel here and his discord here. On his channel, Conowen is posting reviews for every new character, guides for bosses and he even does account reviews on his Discord. Do check him out!

About the tier list

The tier list rates characters based on their Adventure performance. We're assuming x5 deficit which means that the enemy team's power is 5 times higher than your team's power. We also decided to remove the Raid category as every boss requires a specialized team created to counter it - instead we've marked the characters who are used against at least one boss with this icon. We will soon create a guide where we list the teams used on bosses!

Also, please compare characters within their Color. ToG: New World is a very team-building focused game and if you create a team made out of random Colored characters but with higher rarity it may perform worse than a mono or duo Colored team. Use the switcher to change to the tier list you're interested in - the Story one is the one you will see by default.


  • SSR characters are rated at Rainbow tier (+21) with their Exclusive Equipment upgraded to +30,
    • Still, some characters work well even before that and in that case we have marked the minimum investment needed in the top right corner,
  • SSR+ characters are rated based on their minimum investment level to make them work. You can find the investment level in the top right corner of their icon - for example R3 means that you need to upgrade the character to Red 3 tier to get the performance matching the rating. Also, similar to SSR characters, we're assuming that the Exclusive Equipment is upgraded to +30.


Added recently released characters to the tier list.


Added recently released characters to the tier list.


Added recently released characters to the tier list.


Updated the tier list to match latest changes made by Conowen.


Added Yirang Yeon [Great Family] to the tier list.


Fully revamped the tier list. Now we rate characters only in Adventure and each character receives two ratings - up to Revolution 3 and up to Revolution 6, so showing low and high investment. We have also introduced SS tier for the strongest characters in the game - the two recently SSR+ characters are above the others (the powercreep is real).


Added Kaiser [Ruler] to the tier list.


Added Vivi [Daughter Slayer] to the tier list.


Added Ha Jinsung [Ancient Monster] to the tier list.


Added Ha Yura [Idol] to the tier list.


Added Rak [Awakened] to the tier list.


Added Hwaryun [Red Mask] to the tier list.

  • Khun Edahn was upgraded from A to S in both Story and PVP.
    • Edahn is a solid DPS unit, useful against full-ranged comps and high-hp enemies in adventure. He is not a priority to level up, because Yellow already has good DPS units and there are more important SSR+ units to level up first. Ranged units benefit a ton from Revolution.
  • Shibisu was upgraded from C to A in both Story and PVP.
    • Shibisu gets really good in adventure once you can get him to more than 95% resistance to keep him alive. He is going to help with the focus of some ranged units, and reduce the enemy energy regen and their resistances.
  • Khun Mascheny [Lightning Spear] was upgraded from A to S in both Story and PVP.
    • Mascheny got an indirect buff with the new Regular Lero Ro and the Revolution system being super good on Ranged units. She might go up in the priority of SSR+ units to dupe first.
  • Narae Seonwoo was upgraded from B to A in both Story and PVP.
    • Narae doesn't have a bad kit, but the invincibility she can provide is too random and lasts for a short time. There are some niche comps where she excels and can still be used overall.
  • Ghost was upgraded from C to B in Story.
    • Ghost could be useful if Mascheny starts getting used, because then his Magic Resistance shred would have a use in Purple. Still to be tested, but there is potential.
  • Hwaryun was upgraded from B to A in Story.
    • Hwaryun used to be a great DPS option, but now she can mostly be a support unit. There is a good tech comp with Michael for which she might deserve a higher rank, but for now, she'll stay here.
  • Shilial [Red Snake] was upgraded from B to A in both Story and PVP.
    • Hwaryun used to be a great DPS option, but now she can mostly be a support unit. There is a good tech comp with Michael for which she might deserve a higher rank, but for now, she'll stay here.
  • Khun Ran [Lightning Pill] was upgraded from A to S in both Story and PVP.
    • Even after the collab, Khun Ran is quite good, he can survive for a long time and the single-target damage he deals is relevant. The new Crit set is made for him and Regular Lero Ro boosted his damage even more - now this guy is more viable than ever.

Added Yuri [Regular] and Lero Ro [Regular] to the tier list.


Added Vicente to the tier list.


Added Shilial [Red Snake] to the tier list.


Updated the deficit from x3 to x5 - after the recent story difficulty nerfs, it's much easier to progress.


The tier list has been fully revamped.

  • Added the 7DS collab characters to the tier list. Their ratings are provisional as we're still testing them - all three are somewhere between S and S+ (closer to S+ honestly), but just to be safe, we placed Elizabeth and Meliodas in S for now while Escanor received the S+ rating,
  • [The One] Escanor is the strongest of the collab characters, who actually works decently well at even lower dupe investment. Still, the more dupes of him you will be able to obtain, the scarier he will become. Escanor is a bruiser who can take a beating and also do it himself, on top of buffing his allies via the passive (making them much harder to kill). He is the cornerstone of all Blue teams and melee-focused team moving forward,
  • [Eternal Rebirth] Elizabeth damage output is great and she has a cheat death build into her kit, which is rare for a damage dealer - and she can trigger it up to 4 times too over the battle. She also benefits from running a full Blue team which after this collab became one of the strongest elements,
  • [Cursed Shackles] Meliodas is everything Hatz wishes he was - in the current state of the game and ever to be honest. Meliodas can deal great burst damage and keep himself alive really well (after he uses his Ultimate) but unless you have him maxed (Rainbow), he will often die before he can use his Ultimate and underperform compared to both Elizabeth and Escanor. He really needs the bonus energy that comes from the Rainbow perk to work well. If you don't have him maxed, you can easily drop him down a tier or two on the tier list if you're under a big deficit.
  • [Dual Swords] Hatz ratings decreased across the board to C tier. Now that the tier list rates character with 3x deficit, he simply can't compete anymore with other characters. You served us well Hatz, but now it's time for you to retire,
  • [Lightning Spear] Khun Mascheny dropped from S to A tier in Story. At higher floors there's too many enemy setups that counter her, making her harder to use,
  • [Mad Dog's Angel] Ron Mei dropped from S to A tier in Story, from S to A in PVP. At bigger deficits her healing isn't good enough to keep your team alive - especially when you reach the point where your frontline gets one-shot. Which makes her only good with frontline characters that have some form of cheat death to bring them back up once it triggers,
  • [Punisher] Ren dropped from A to B tier in Story, from A to B in PVP. Sadly he's not as good as we initially thoughts,
  • [Blooming Flower] Miseng Yeo rose from A to S tier in Story, from A to S in PVP. Wth the release of Rihanna set, she actually became pretty great with as she can counter quite a lot of frontline characters in both Story and PVP,
  • [Infernal Blademaster] Shane dropped from A to C tier in Story, from B to C against Bosses. Similar to Hatz, she has issues staying alive in the frontlines at bigger deficit.

Tier List (Adventure)

You're currently viewing the Adventure tier list. It shows how a character performs in Adventure at low investment - so up to Revolution 3.

Adventure (Up to Rev 3)

Adventure (Rev 6)
