Bangboo lore

Small body, big helper!

When you walk down the street and see a small figure making "enn enn" noises, don't be alarmed. It's just a Bangboo — an intelligent device unique to New Eridu. Bangboo are only around knee-height in size, but they're indispensable helpers in New Eridu's daily operation. After years of research and development, Bangboo are widely and comprehensively used in many scenarios. Many factories also provide customization services to allow for specific Bangboo functions for different groups of people.

What can Bangboo be used for?

Bangboo were originally created to assist New Eridu residents with evacuation in Hollow disasters. When a Hollow occurs in New Eridu's residential areas, Bangboo will immediately receive disaster information and evacuation guidance from the public network, and help people around them avoid the hazard-prone areas.

Now, thanks to technological advancement and emerging diverse needs, Bangboo have evolved from simple helper intelligent devices for disaster avoidance to more comprehensive and versatile intelligent individuals. Some pro version Bangboo even go deep into Hollows with Investigators and help with various operations.

Bangboo & Combat

If you ever played Honkai Impact 3, then Bangboo are really similar to ELFs - they are the 4th team member who supports the currently active character with both active skills and buffs. Similar to Agents, Bangboo come in two ranks - S-rank and A-rank.

How to obtain Bangboo?

You can pull them from the Bangboo Oriented Signal Search. You can only use Boopons on this banner - Boopons can be obtained from missions, events and various modes in Hollow Deep Dive Zone and can't be bought using real-life currency.

Bangboo Skills

Each Bangboo has 3 skills:

  • Active skill - codenamed A - that is used automatically by the Bangboo with a set cooldown,
  • Additional Ability - codenamed B - a passive on field effect thats active only if you fulfill its conditions,
  • Bangboo Chain Attack - codenamed C - an additional chain attack you can use.
Bangboo Leveling

You can level your Bangboo just like you can level the Agents and this will increase their base stats (HP, ATK and DEF) and A and C skill levels.

Bangboo Ascension

Bangboo can be ascended and this will improve their skills and you can ascend each Bangboo up to 5 times.

Overall, Skill A and C can be leveled up to level 10 (4 from dupes and 5 from levels) while Skill B can only be leveled using the dupes, so it's capped at level 5.

Bangboo Chain Attacks

Most Bangboos have chain attacks. With a full party of 3, these chain attacks can be performed on the 3rd part of the chain. Although typically only Boss type enemies provide you with the 3rd chain attack, there are a few more scenarios where you can still utilize your Bangboo’s chain attack:

  • Stunning multiple enemies in succession will continue your chain order. You’ll need to stun enemies with the chain attacks themselves to reach the 3rd part of your chain attack.
  • Bringing 2 or 1 agent in your party will ensure you always have your Bangboo as a chain attack option. In fact, with just 1 agent, your agent will still perform their chain attack after your Bangboo.

Bangboo chain attacks take time and some Bangboo chain attacks take longer than others. The longer the Bangboo’s chain attack takes, the less time the enemy will be stunned for your DPS character. Chain time is provided in the linked guide video.

Bangboo Mechanics

Bangboos have many interesting mechanics to keep in mind:

  • Exclamation marks will appear over their head once they are ready to perform their active skill, after which they will perform a goofy animation and then perform their active skill.
  • While Bangboos contribute towards a monster’s stun gauge and anomaly build up, they cannot trigger the stun or the Anomaly Effect (Shock, Assault, etc).
  • Since Bangboos do not have an Anomaly Proficiency stat, they do not increase or decrease the damage of the Anomaly Effect (Shock, Assault, etc).
Which Bangboo Should You Choose?

Bangboos have a variety of functions. Some deal more damage, some apply more anomaly, and others provide support like grouping, energy and healing. To find out which Bangboo you should choose as well as a showcase of all of them, check out the guide video!

Bangboo list

If you want to check the list of currently available Bangboo and their skills, take a look at this guide: