Inferno Reap Video Guide


The new Inferno Reap game mode is a twist on the old Hollow Zero: Withering Garden mode. Previously, reaching and fighting Nineveh required completing several rounds of a TV and combat mixed gamemode. However with the new Inferno Reap, players are now able to fight Nineveh immediately.

To unlock this mode, players must first clear a run of Hollow Zero: Withering Garden - Core and then complete the Commission Quest: Foliage Hunt. Once unlocked, participating in the new event rewards players with Polychromes, Dennies, Master Copies and more.

How it works

The main objective in Inferno Reap is to defeat Nineveh as quickly as possible so that players can gain points. Damage dealt directly converts to points received, so focusing on this is the number one priority. Collecting points is also a major focus because the rewards in Inferno Reap are locked behind tasks like “Deal 5,000,000 DMG to Nineveh in a single Inferno Reap operation” or “Deal a total of 200,00,000 damage to Nineveh”.

Nineveh is locked to level 60 in this mode which does mean that it deals less damage compared to an Extreme Intensity 11/11 Withering Garden run, but agents are still capable of dying and cannot Revive. In terms of moves and attacks that it has in its kit, Inferno Reap’s Nineveh is identical to Withering Garden’s. However, there is a new Rest/Break phase each time that Nineveh is defeated in this mode. During this period, players can attack Vines or Hornets that have not been defeated to increase the total time remaining to clear the fight.

Before entering the Inferno Reap encounter, players are able to select a Resonium Kit which is the buff-system that is present in Hollow Zero. This is extremely important for clearing Nineveh efficiently. To receive a Resonium kit, players will first need to clear a run in the Withering Garden and select the prompt to save the kit taken in the run. The Resonias that are included in each kit are the exact ones purchased, obtained, or rewarded when participating in the Withering Garden, so choosing buffs wisely in this mode is also very important.

Tips and Tricks for Clearing Inferno Reap

  • Clear all Hornets or Vines when possible, but do not waste abilities/excessive time to defeat every single one.
  • Elemental, Dual and Critical Resonia are great choices for this mode since damage is the number one priority. The stun damage from Dual and the potential to execute hornets instantly when taking enough Critical Resonias are incredibly valuable and are absolute must haves.
  • Shield Based/Defensive Resonia are less effective here since receiving a peak score is more important.
  • Shuttlecock (which provides Vital View aka “Slow Motion” to your dodges) is still great here, but Dodging when the enemy is un-targetable will extend this period and sometimes waste valuable time. It is still extremely important for Freezing or Pausing Nineveh however. During the Frozen periods, agents can Stun or unload their high damage skills into Nineveh which can allow players to avoid attack phases entirely.
  • Stunning Nineveh is more realistic here as opposed to Withering Garden’s 11/11 difficulty mode, so using Daze based characters like Anby, Qingyi, or Koleda to increase damage dealt alongside Crit-based characters is ideal.