Frima (Treasure)

Eye Mask? Check! Quilt? Check! Embroidered soft pillow with Frima's face on it? Final check complete! Frima can now sleep in peace because of the Commander, due to whom she was able to enhance her skills and unlock new, never seen before abilities! The new upgraded Frima has taken it on herself to become the best Burst 1 True Damage buffer! What she lacks now is enough relevant True Damage dealers to pair with her, but regardless of that, let's find out below what her potential really is.

Can you give a brief summary about this unit?

A new possible trend: True Damage team. The key support? Frima! Frima's treasure turns her into an insane support for true damage dealers. The key reason as to why Frima is a usable support in her niche of buffing true damage DPS is that she is not just a buffer, but a healer as well. As it stands, there are only 4 units in total that can deal true damage: Frima with her Favorite Item, Clay, Ein and Laplace (ideally with her Favorite Item). Of these 4 units, only Laplace and Ein can actually perform well as True Damage DPS. While Laplace is a good fit, Ein can enjoy more buffs if she is paired alongside S.Anis and/or Exia (with her Favorite Item) instead of Frima, and thus is not a good fit for the True Damage team in the current meta anyways.

Hence, as it stands, the True Damage team is technically incomplete as there is currently only one DPS that fits the criteria. Without a doubt, we believe that Frima will have her say in the future, but that time may not be now. Unless or until Laplace decides to perform as an extremely high value unit - which is something that has not been the case in the last 2 Solo Raids (Golden Kraken and Mirror Container) - Frima will not see much use. As it stands, she needs to be unlocked as we patiently wait for the eventual True Damage DPS banner.

Should I get the Favorite Item for this unit?

Frima is a future proof Nikke at the very least. We can think of her as a Tove 2.0, as when Tove was released, the lack of proper SG DPS made her completely unusable at that time. But as more and more units were released, she became not just relevant, but has had her say in Solo Raid meta teams on multiple occasions. Similarly, Frima is the Tove of True Damage dealers. A healer + buffer hybrid, waiting to be unlocked. In today's meta there are only two relevant true damage DPS: Laplace and Ein, out of which Laplace is the only good fit for her since Ein has better pairings usually.

We recommend getting Frima to Phase 3 Favorite Item before using her, as it unlocks her Skill 2's extra True Damage buff, which helps her to be a better buffer and reach a competitive standpoint in the current meta.

Kit Analysis

Phase 1 - Skill 1

■ Activates when hitting a target with Full Charge.

Sleepy: DEF ▼ 4%, stacks up to 5 times for 10 sec.

■ Activates when hitting a target with Full Charge for 6 times. Affects self when Sleepy is fully stacked.

Wake up: Normal attacks deal true damage for 10 sec.

Complete transformation of her Skill 1. Her DEF down on an enemy ability is changed into a stackable ability, which lowers enemy DEF on every Full Charged shot, and is called 'Sleepy'. Key point to note here is that Frima needs to hit the same target to stack 'Sleepy'. Once Sleepy is fully stacked after 5 full charged shots, the 6th shot activates 'Wake Up'.

'Wake Up', which is the new addition to her Skill 1, gives Frima the ability to deal True Damage. 'Wake Up' status is also needed to activate the True Damage ▲ buffs present in Skill 2 and Burst. To get the 'Wake Up' status, Frima has to hit fully charge shots on the same target 6 times within 10 seconds to ensure that 'Sleepy' stacks are at max, and do not drop. Once Frima is in Wake up, the buff will countdown and you have to shoot 6 shots again on the same enemy to refresh the buff.

True Damage is damage that completely ignores the DEF values of the opponent (i.e., considers the DEF value of the opponent as 0).

Phase 2 - Burst Skill

■ Affects 10 enemy targets with the highest DEF.

Deals 101.66% of final ATK as damage.

DEF ▼ 9.86% for 10 sec.

■ Affects all allies.

Max HP ▲ 30.26% for 4 sec.

■ Activates when in Wake Up status. Affects all allies.

True Damage ▲ 49.97% for 10 sec.

One addition, and a very important one for Frima's place in the current meta. If Frima is in 'Wake Up' status, she gives a substantial True Damage ▲ to all allies! This allows her to act as a Healer + Buffer, and cements her place as one for the future, since the present lacks a variety of True Damage dealers.

The 'True Damage ▲' buff mimics 'Attack Damage ▲' buff (i.e. from Crown or Tia) and is additive to it, but is only applied to true damage dealers.

Note: Frima needs to be in 'Wake Up' status before she bursts in order to give this True Damage buff. To get the 'Wake Up' status, Frima has to hit fully charge shots on the same target 6 times within 10 seconds. This can mean that you might need to delay the first Burst until Frima has hit 6 full charged shots on the same target.

Phase 3 - Skill 2

■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects all allies.

Max HP ▲ 6.09% for 5 sec.

■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects all allies when in Wake Up status.

True Damage ▲ 28.16% for 5 sec.

Also a single addition to her skill, again an important one! Same as before, Frima gains a 'True Damage ▲' buff of good value, which is the final thing she requires to act as a proper true damage buffer. Same as before, you need to be in Wake Up status to activate this skill. This skill's True Damage buff can essentially be considered to have 100% uptime.

Tier List

Campaign (LD) - C | Campaign (HD) - C

Frima can act as a healer for the full team, and as a buffer to only 2 units currently (Laplace's Favorite Item version and Ein), both of which display decent performances in Campaign, but nowhere near to what units like Red Hood, Alice, Modernia, etc can do. Frima also cannot compete with the variety of buffs and skills that the top B1s such as Liter, D:Wife or even Dorothy provide. While Frima is a healer + buffer, the CDR skill is crucial to Campaign, and as a result Frima definitely does not get a spot in Campaign, even if one is running LaplaceTr and Ein.

Boss (Solo) - A | Boss (Adds) -B

Against bosses, especially Solo Bosses, Frima can actually perform at a good level alongside Laplace. But that all depends on how well Laplace actually performs against the Boss. Hence, Frima is a situational unit as of right now, and awaits the release of more True Damage DPS. The ideal use case scenario of Frima is currently against Iron Weak Bosses, where Laplace can fit well as a high value DPS. Here, Frima and Rem may be used to buff her damage as a team 5 option. You can find more team examples in our team compositions section below.


Frima shows similar performance to her non-treasured form in PvP. She does not gain any skills that can help her improve in PvP. If you do use her, you can just use her as a healer. But do know that her Burst Gen is extremely low compared to most meta B1 options.


Gear Investments

Skill Investments
  • Skill 1: 1
    • Nothing in this skill provides any good offensive support capabilities. Hence, we can leave this Skill at lvl1.
  • Skill 2: 7/10
    • One of the two skills where Frima provides her True Damage buff. Eventually max this out.
  • Burst Skill: 7/10
    • One of the two skills where Frima provides her True Damage buff. Eventually max this out.

Suggested Progression Path

Cube Investments

Bastion Cube should be the best cube for Frima. Resilience cube should be the 2nd best cube for Frima, followed by Adjutant or Wingman Cubes.

PvE Team Compositions

Team #1: True Damage Comp
Burst 3

For Bossing. The presumed True Damage team. As of right now, the B3 can be expect to be Ein, but Ein can be replaced by other DPS that may be performing well, or B3 units the can help Laplace deal more damage, such as Ludmilla: Winter Owner.

Team #2: Launching Rockets

For Bossing. Against bosses with 3 or more parts, Emilia shows immense prowess due to her increased base splash radius. This can allow her to slot in the B3 slot as a proper DPS, buffed by Rem.

Team #3: The Truest of Damage
Burst Flex
D: Killer Wife
Helm: Aquamarine

For Bossing. If the boss favors true damage DPS, using Crown as the Burst 2 unit should be the ideal play, where Frima can help them deal the most damage.

Team #4: Extra DPS slot
Burst 3

For Bossing. Simple team which shows that you can add an extra DPS alongside Frima and LaplaceTr which does not have to be a healer since Frima herself already fills that role!

Pros & Cons


  • Ability to heal every 5 seconds with her Max HP buff.
  • One of the only units to have True Damage ▲.
  • Massive value and high uptime on her True Damage buffs.
  • Auto-friendly SR unit.

  • Expensive. Needs Phase 3 treasure to be relevant.
  • Niche. Only buffs True Damage DPS.
  • 'Sleepy' stacks need to be stacked on the same target, and the 6th shot needs to be hit on the same target again to activate 'Wake Up', restricting her use to Bossing only.
  • First burst needs to be delayed since you need to be in Wake Up status to get the True Damage buffs.
  • If you want to heal with her constantly, you have to stall her shot. If you stall her shot, you take longer to get 'Wake Up'.