Gacha System

Zenless Zone Zero uses a gacha system as the primary way for a player to obtain new Characters, W-Engines and Bangboos and it is generally the only way to obtain the highest rarity Characters, W-Engines and Bangboos.

Signal Search

Signal Search is what Zenless Zone Zero calls its gacha banners. To roll on the gacha, you will need to use either Polychromes, the gacha currency, or Master Tapes/Encrypted Master Tapes which are the gacha tickets. For Bangboo banners you will need Boopons, which is a currency only used for them and can't be obtained by spending real money.

  • You can exchange 160 Polychromes for 1 Master Tape or Encrypted Master Tape.
  • Master Tapes are used in Stable Channel Signal Searches and Beginner Signal Search.
  • Encrypted Master Tapes are used for Exclusive Channel Signal Searches or W-Engine Channel Signal Searches.

Polychromes, Master Tapes, and Encrypted Master Tapes can be obtained from various in-game sources such as missions, events, and certain npcs. Boopons can be obtained from missions, events and various modes in Hollow Deep Dive Zone.

You can obtain the following from signal searching:

  • B-rank W-Engines,
  • A-rank W-Engines,
  • S-rank W-Engines,
  • A-rank Characters,
  • S-rank Characters,
  • A-rank Bangboos,
  • S-rank Bangboos.

Ranks denote the rarity of the Character, W-Engine or Bangboo. The higher rank they have, the higher the rarity (and the more difficult) it is to obtain.

A-rank Guarantee: If a player does not obtain an A-rank Character, W-Engine or Bangboo after 9 signal searches, the 10th signal search is guaranteed to be an A-rankCharacter, W-Engine or Bangboo. This counter reset every time a player obtains an A-rank Character, W-Engine or Bangboo.

Residual Signals and En-Nies

Residual Signals and En-Nies are in-game currencies that are only obtainable by signal searching. They can be used in the Signal Shop to purchase Master Tapes, Encrypted Master Tapes, Boopons, upgrade materials, and other resources.

  • Obtaining any A-rank W-Engine:
    • 10 Residue Signals
  • Obtaining any S-rank W-Engine:
    • 50 Residue Signals
  • Obtaining a duplicate A-rank Character:
    • 1st to 6th duplicate: 10 Residue Signals and 1 Agent Profile for the Character
    • 7th duplicate onwards: 15 Residual Signals
  • Obtaining a duplicate S-rank Character:
    • 1st to 6th duplicate: 50 Residual Signals and 1 Agent Profile for the Character
    • 7th duplicate onwards: 75 Residual Signals
  • Obtaining any A-rank Bangboo:
    • 10 En-Nies
  • Obtaining any S-rank Bangboo:
    • 50 En-Nies

Star-Studded Cast

Information about this banner
  • First 50 Signal Searches are discounted and you are guaranteed to obtain an S-rank Character within the 50 Signal Searches,
  • You will receive a 20% discount every time you signal search for those first 50 pulls, so it will only cost 8 Master Tapes instead of 10.
Additional information
  • The rate for pulling an S-rank Character or W-Engine from this banner is currently set at 0.6%,
  • The rate for pulling an A-rank Character or W-Engine from this banner is currently set at 9.4%,
  • You are guaranteed to obtain an S-rank Character or an S-rankW-Engine within 90 pulls,
  • Once you do 300 pulls you will be able to pick one S-rank available in the banner,
  • You can only use Master Tapes on this banner (basic summon ticket).

Here are the S-rank Characters available in the standard pool:

Soldier 11
Soldier 11

Here are the S-rank W-Engines available in the standard pool:

Coming soon!

Character Oriented Signal Search

Information about this banner
  • One S-rank Character and two A-rank Characters will be featured on any given Character Oriented Signal Search,
  • The rate for pulling an S-rank Character from this banner is currently set at 0.6%,
  • The rate for pulling an A-rank Character or W-Engine from this banner is currently set at 9.4%,
  • Once you pull an S-rank Character, you have 50% chance of it being the Rate-up one,
  • If you lose the 50/50 then the second S-rank Character you pull will 100% be the Rate-up one,
  • You are guaranteed to obtain an S-rank within 90 pulls (that's the pity). So if you're unlucky, it will take you at most 180 pulls to get the rate-up character.
  • You can only use Encrypted Master Tapes on this banner (special summon ticket).

W-Engine Oriented Signal Search

Information about this banner
  • One S-rank W-Engine and two A-rank W-Engines will be featured on any given W-Engine Oriented Warp,
  • The rate for pulling an S-rank W-Engine from this banner is currently set at 1%,
  • The rate for pulling an A-rank W-Engine from this banner is currently set at 15%,
  • Once you pull an S-rank W-Engine, you have 75% chance of it being the Rate-up one,
  • If you lose the roll then the second S-rank W-Engine you pull will 100% be the Rate-up one,
  • You are guaranteed to obtain an S-rank within 80 pulls (that's the pity). So if you're unlucky, it will take you at most 160 pulls to get the rate-up W-Engine.
  • You can only use Encrypted Master Tapes on this banner (special summon ticket).

Bangboo Oriented Signal Search

Information about this banner
  • You can select an S-rank Bangboo as the target of your pulls,
  • Once you pull an S-rank Bangboo, you have 100% chance to receive it,
  • The rate for pulling an S-rank Bangboo from this banner is currently set at 1%,
  • The rate for pulling an A-rank Bangboo from this banner is currently set at 15%,
  • You are guaranteed to obtain an S-rank Bangboo within 80 pulls (that's the pity),
  • You can only use Boopons on this banner (F2P resource).