Such sharp and strong lines, truly beautiful... I can't help but want to open it up and take a look. "Did you say Grace?" Wrench jumped in and answered: "Hm, she's the first person I've met nice enough to give me a massage." "She's genuinely caring," Screw quickly added: "Rather than being tightly wound, I prefer her way of tightening screws just right." Gear joined in at this point: "Her intelligent mind is alluring and elegant as a well-engaged gearbox!" "And very rational," Oil muttered: "In her dictionary, there's no room for 'a little' or 'moderate amount'. It's all precise 'milliliters'."
To learn more about Grace check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Grace has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review/pros & cons update
Patch 1.5
Last build/calcs update
Patch 1.5
Last teams/synergies update
Patch 1.5
Last profile update*
February 11th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Grace check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
SD/DA Analytics
Rotation & Teams
Core Passive Pre-Driven Needle
When Grace's Basic Attack or Dash Attack hits an enemy and deals Physical DMG, she gains 1 stack of Zap (up to 8 stacks). Upon reaching maximum stacks, using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack will consume all stacks of Zap, increasing the accumulated Electric Anomaly Buildup by 65%.
Anomaly Mastery: 0
Additional Ability Tech Support Dept.
When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:
Upon hitting an enemy with an EX Special Attack, the next Shock effect inflicted on the target increases Shock DMG by 18%. This effect can stack up to 2 times, and each enemy can trigger it once per skill use. Resets when the Shock effect ends.
Basic Attack: High-Pressure Spike
Dodge: Safety Regulation
Dash Attack: Quick Inspection
Dodge Counter: Violation Penalty
Special Attack: Obstruction Removal
EX Special Attack: Supercharged Obstruction Removal
Chain Attack: Collaborative Construction
Ultimate: Demolition Blast - Beware
Quick Assist: Incident Management
Evasive Assist: Rapid Risk Response
Assist Follow-Up: Counter Volt Needle
Recharge Chamber
Mindscape 1
Lightning Piercer
Mindscape 2
Chief Mechanic
Mindscape 3
Burst Capacitor
Mindscape 4
Frosty Cold Iron Witch
Mindscape 5
Detonation Trigger
Mindscape 6
Grace Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).
Grace images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Most attacks have a movement-based component which is controllable by the player making Grace one of the most mobile characters.
Incredibly cheap EX Special meaning it will be available far more frequently than other characters.
Incredibly active playstyle requiring accumulation and spending of charges on top of constant movement. Good for players who like a lot of action.
Deals the majority of her damage through Shock.
Constant movement on abilities can sometimes lead to Grace being out of position if not controlled correctly.
Re-applying a Shock to an already Shocked target will not deal any additional damage but only refresh the duration making spamming out Shocks, while possible, a less efficient use of Grace's resources (Disorder can be used to solve this issue somewhat).
Less straightforward to play as a sole damage dealer than other characters and prefers to be played alongside another damage dealer (such as Anton) in most cases.
Grace review isn't available yet. It will be added soon!
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.
Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Shiyu Defense
Build and teams
The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.
100% uptimeWhen there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.
Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
0% uptimeWhen there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.
Competitive option for direct and Anomaly-based Electric damage dealers granting 10% permanent Electric DMG% from the 2-PC and 28% increased combat ATK% as long as any enemy is Shocked. This set is incredibly powerful as Shock lasts for 10 seconds baseline, giving this bonus a long duration and due to the strength of combat ATK% multiplying all a characters standard ATK stats like FLAT ATK and ATK% ((Base ATK * (1 + ATK%)) + Flat ATK) * (1 + Combat ATK%).
This set is primarily suitable for mono-electric Grace teams that go all in on maintaining Shocks on enemies throughout the fights and do not consume them with disorders. This set is not good in Disorder Grace teams as you wont have good Shock uptime as you'll be consuming them with Disorder disabling the 4P bonus.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Strong and flexible option for Grace's Disorder and Mono electric play styles that synergizes well with her quick swapping play style and powerful amount of EX Anomaly build up application. Grants 30 Anomaly Proficiency and 15% Fire/Electric Dmg% unconditionally as well as a combat buff boosting EX Special and Assist damage by 20% for 5 seconds after switching on field with a 7.5 seconds cooldown, also grants the buff at all times the agent remains off the field.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
A mix and match of the most beneficial 2P bonuses for Grace. A set combination that falls noticeably behind alternatives but has no conditions on its damage bonuses and can be used freely without penalty or redundancy in both Mono-Electric and Disorder Grace teams.
Paired together with:
A top option for Disorder Grace teams thanks to its effect that causes all EX Special Attacks to apply a 20% Anomaly Buildup Resistance reduction of the same element as the wearer for 8 seconds to all enemies hit. Assuming this debuff is the only source of Anomaly Buildup Resistance reduction it's equivalent to enemies triggering Anomaly at minimum 20% faster of the specific element. This bonus is huge for Grace in Disorder teams as it allows her to apply her Shocks more frequently in order to trigger more Disorder reactions.
Another reason this set is so appealing is that the signature 4P Electric set effect (Thunder Metal) does not function for Grace in Disorder teams.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Strong and flexible option for Grace's Disorder and Mono electric play styles that synergizes well with her quick swapping play style and powerful amount of EX Anomaly build up application. Grants 30 Anomaly Proficiency and 15% Fire/Electric Dmg% unconditionally as well as a combat buff boosting EX Special and Assist damage by 20% for 5 seconds after switching on field with a 7.5 seconds cooldown, also grants the buff at all times the agent remains off the field.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
A mix and match of the most beneficial 2P bonuses for Grace. A set combination that falls noticeably behind alternatives but has no conditions on its damage bonuses and can be used freely without penalty or redundancy in both Mono-Electric and Disorder Grace teams.
Paired together with:
Substats: Anomaly Proficiency > ATK% > PEN = ATK
ATK: 2300-3000+
HP: 9500+
DEF: 800+
Anomaly Mastery: 150 - 190+
Anomaly Proficiency: 350 - 450+
Special Attack
Chain Attack
Basic Attack
Rotation & Teams
Grace excels in applying a lot of Shock while requiring minimal field time - this makes her an ideal partner for Jane. Thank to that, Jane can spend more time on the field and do what she does best - kill things in style.
Rina provides Grace with a lot of buffs that are perfect for her. Rina’s first buff grants the entire team a portion of her PEN Ratio + a flat amount up to a cap of 30% - 30% PEN ratio is an incredibly large amount and given PEN Ratio gets stronger the more of it you have, this buff is absolutely nothing to sneeze at - especially when you consider that Rina can keep it active almost permanently with optimal play. Rina’s next buff is a generic 10% Electric DMG increase, but her final buff is the most impactful - it increases all Shocks duration from 10 seconds to 13 seconds, basically extending their damage by 30%.
One of Anton’s kits defining features is his ability to partially trigger any Shock on the target he is hitting every 4th Critical Hit he deals. In order to take most advantage of this ability, Anton wants to attack an enemy with a Shock that is as big as possible so he can trigger it - and who better to help than the Queen of Shocks herself, Grace. Grace is the best character in the game at applying the Shock Anomaly and also applies the largest ones as well making her the perfect accompaniment for Anton.
Grace focuses on quickly building up as much Electric Anomaly on enemies as you can to keep them Shocked consistently. Anby being an Electric character not only activates both her own and Grace's bonus ability but also contributes her own Anomaly allowing Grace and her team to quickly apply more Shocks, something essential when Anton is a part of the team. Furthermore, Anby also brings Daze to the team, while it isn’t always needed in Shock teams, it's still a viable addition.
If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.
Bangboo options:
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important. As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters.
Rotation time: 4.43s for Burst
Attention!!! Grace has an incredibly short damage rotation focused around applying an incredibly large Shock right at the end lasting for 10 or more seconds. Grace's DPS is calculated with all damage leading up to and including the Shock which will continue dealing damage long after she leaves the field resulting in a high DPS number for her but damage which will be spread over the next character who switches ins rotation.
Here are the rotations used in the calculations.
As an Anomaly character Grace is not anywhere near as reliant on her Ultimate as Attack characters making it an optional addition if you see fit, it will increase her damage but is not essential. Grace can also make use of her rotation equally as well outside of the stun burst window something that can be especially relevant when playing her in teams without stun characters, the only damage related cost of this is the sacrifice of the stun damage multiplier.
Burst rotation (During Stun)
- Chain Attack: Collaborative Construction
- Basic Attack: High-Pressure Spike P1
- Basic Attack: High-Pressure Spike P2
- Basic Attack: High-Pressure Spike P3
- EX Special Attack: Supercharged Obstruction Removal
- Basic Attack: High-Pressure Spike P4
- EX Special Attack: Supercharged Obstruction Removal
And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.
Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Substats: ATK (42%), Anomaly Proficiency (126), PEN (54)
If you want to learn more about Anomaly characters and how the archetype works, check out this great video:
Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault
This section contains information about Grace performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.5.2). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!
Shiyu Defense Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Grace in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Grace in the current phase of Deadly Assault.
This section lists most popular teams featuring Grace in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
Mindscapes data comes from players who used Grace in the current SD cycle (62) or in the current DA cycle (382).
134 s.Mindscape 0
125 s.18.63%
127 s.4.92%
600 s.2.28%
130 s.1%
600 s.0.26%
600 s.W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Grace in the current SD cycle (62) or in the current DA cycle (382).
125 s.Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
103 s.Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
178 s.For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
118 s.When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.
91 s.When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration allowing several effects to be active at once:
increases the equipper's ATK by 8/9.2/10.4/11.6/12.8%,
increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40/46/52/58/64,
increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25/28/32/36/40%.
115 s.The equipper's Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 30/35/40/45/50%. When Special Attacks or EX Special Attacks hit enemies under Attribute Anomalies, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency increases by 75/85/95/105/115 for 15s.
When the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is greater than or equal to 375, Disorder DMG inflicted by the equipper increases by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%.
Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Grace in the current SD cycle (62) or in the current DA cycle (382).
123 s.18.79%
146 s.7.42%
176 s.5.66%
121 s.4.04%
124 s.3.6%
91 s.Copyright © 2025 Prydwen.gg