Is it even worth to reroll?

The short answers is no.

And here's the long answer:

  • Guest Accounts don't exist in Hoyoverse games anymore which means you have to create a new account every time you want to reroll,
    • So if you're already playing Honkai: Star Rail for example, if you plan to reroll, there's no way to have both games on the same account.
  • It takes around 25-35 minutes to finish the tutorial and reach the moment when you can actually start pulling,
    • The long time is caused by the tutorial being quite story-heavy and you can't skip any of the conversations and have to click through them,
  • The rates in the game are pretty low (0.3%/0.6% for a
    S Rank
    , so it might take you even a whole day of rolling to get one - and it's high chance it will be someone you don't want as you will be able to only do roughly 20-22 pulls when you unlock Signal Search.
  • You are guaranteed to obtain a
    S Rank
    Character within the first 50 pulls you do on the Standard banner.

If you're still here, then I think this meme is perfect for you:

Reroll Pain

So let's continue with the reroll guide!

How to reroll

Reroll methods

Sadly, there's just one. As we mentioned in the warning section, you will need to prepare a ton of dummy emails if you plan to reroll - the salting method is blocked, so there's no other way.

So the rerolling process will look like this:

  1. Log in to the game with new mail,
  2. Suffer for 25-35 minutes and get finger cramps from all the clicking through dialogue,
  3. Then suffer even more as you're doing your pulls,
  4. Log out and log in with new email.

Yes, this is exactly how we had to reroll in Honkai: Star Rail, and while you can actually Skip some of the story parts in ZZZ, it still takes 25-35 minutes to reach the summoning.

How many pulls I will be able to do?

While you will unlock the Mail feature quite early and receive 20 Master Tapes from the pre-register rewards, you will have to continue playing the story a bit more to unlock the summoning feature. Sadly, the Master Tapes can't be used on Rate-Up banners as they require Encrypted Master Tapes instead. So you're forced to pull on the Star-Studded Cast (standard banner).

To get additional tickets, you will have to continue playing the game after the tutorial and level up your account.

Beginner pulls

Compared to Honkai Star Rail, ZZZ doesn't have a separate newbie banner to do the discounted pulls on and you simply pull on the standard one - and your first five 10-pulls are discounted and in total cost you 40 Master Tapes instead of 50. This also means that you're instantly building up pity for the 300 pull selector!

Rate-up character
Zhu Yuan
Zhu Yuan

If you want to reroll for the limited character (which on the release will be Ellen, followed by Zhu Yuan in the second part of 1.0 patch) you will only be able to do 2-3 pulls on her banner at this point. To get additional pulls, you will have to progress deeper into the game. Good luck - you will need it!

Who to reroll for?

Here are the

S Rank
S-Rank Characters available in the standard pool:

Soldier 11
Soldier 11

None of the Standard Banner

S Rank
S-Rank characters are useless in ZZZ and each of them have their own merits for being the target of re-rolls. Because of this we’ll be explaining each of their pros, cons and value to your account so you can make the decision that best suits your account plans. Also, the role the character fills in combat has a big impact on their reroll priority as compared to other games, in ZZZ the teams you have to use are pretty rigid due to the passive requirements (you either need same element or faction in the team to activate them).

Here are the 3 roles we have created to categorize the characters for the sake of our tier list and reroll guide:

  • Stun characters are a mainstay in most of the top team compositions on release of ZZZ and both of the standard S-Rank stun characters are significant upgrades over the A-Rank options available. Well built strong Stun characters make dealing with difficult boss encounters much smoother, allow many of the best damaging characters to execute their top burst damage combos more frequently and make the game easier in general so picking up a S-Rank stun character certainly isn’t a bad choice, especially if you can gain access to other S-Rank damaging characters by getting lucky, waiting or spending.
  • DPS characters that can deal damage are essential for endgame in ZZZ and without them beating the highest stages of Hollow Zero and Shiyu Defence is significantly more challenging. Each of the Standard S-Rank damage dealers are for the most part a cut above A-Rank options meaning acquiring 1 or 2 of them will make your life a lot easier in endgame where 2 teams are required (minimum of 2 good damage dealers need) but also during the story and Hollow Zero progression. If you don’t want to rely on pulling limited damage characters, re-rolling for the damage dealer of your choice will give your account a strong boost early on. A good S-Rank damage dealer will be the best bang for your buck in the short term but are most subject to power creep and obsolescence.
  • Support characters are present on many of the strongest teams and amplify their power tremendously but can be interchanged with another damaging character in some cases making them powerful but not essential. Also on top of this fact ZZZ has many incredibly powerful A-Rank supportive options who are very strong or even best in slot for a lot of endgame teams meaning even without a S-Rank support you’ll likely still have excellent or at least viable options for endgame. For these reason’s re-rolling for the sole S-Rank support Rina will likely only be for the select few who want to play the team's best in slot for (Shock) or for her future potential with upcoming characters.

Lycaon [ Stun]

Lycaon is a

S Rank
S-Rank character from the Ice element who belongs to the Stun Specialty.

Pros & Cons

  • Additional ability amplifies the standard Stun multiplier from 150% to 185% increasing team burst damage during the Stun window tremendously.
  • Core ability applies 25% Ice Res Shred for 30 seconds allowing for near infinite uptime on enemies boosting the damage of Ice characters by an incredible amount.
  • Deals massive amounts of Daze unconditionally with his charged basic attack combo allowing him to act as a main field Dazer delivering absurd Daze on field while still having the option to support a Main DPS with Parries and EX’s when they are available.
  • Has access to incredible teammates, allowing Lycaon to form one of the strongest teams in the game (Mono-Ice).
  • Despite being incredible in Ice damage focused teams, he can still provide value outside of them thanks to his incredible Daze and bonus stun multiplier.
  • Charging up basic attacks and chaining them together requires a mild amount of timing to ensure time isn’t wasted in between each attack.

Reroll value:

Koleda [ Stun]

Koleda is a

S Rank
S-Rank character from the Fire element who belongs to the Stun Specialty.

Pros & Cons

  • Gains temporary invincibility during the enhanced portions of her basic attack sequence allowing Koleda to ignore hits and finish her combo instead of dodging.
  • Very easy to play to her full potential.
  • Combining Koleda’s EX with an enhanced basic attack sequence delivers devastating amounts of daze.
  • Gain’s empowered abilities when in a party with Ben changing and improving some of her kit.
  • Additional ability (gained by having a Belobog or Fire teammate) is nice but not a dealbreaker to lose making Koleda feel fine to splash into team archetypes she doesn’t have direct synergy in (she can be used in every team without you feeling bad for losing something).
  • Has attack animations on the slower side with some attacks that lock her into completing them, sometimes causing Koleda to end up out of position unless you perform a character swap during them.
  • Non-enhanced basic attacks feel lackluster compared to her EX-enhanced basic combo making her feel somewhat EX-reliant outside of parrying and dodge countering.
  • Nothing that makes her outstanding outside of her great Daze and being a Fire element makes her subject to power creep.

Reroll value:

Soldier 11 [ DPS]

Soldier 11 is a

S Rank
S-Rank character from the Fire element who belongs to the Attack Fighting Style.

Pros & Cons

  • Has a full team of competitive A-Rank options (Ben as Stun and Lucy as Support) with the option to upgrade the team further with the addition of another S-Rank (Koleda) on release.
  • Only Fire damage dealer on release.
  • Incredibly simple playstyle once you get the hang of it.
  • Core Passive and Additional ability are a pile of free damage that doesn’t require you to do anything.
  • No stand-out features other than good damage output, putting her at risk of power creep from another Fire DPS that does her job better.
  • Basic attacks have a special “timed” mechanic, requiring you to pause a short moment in between each attack in order to deal maximum damage. This mechanic can be bypassed through the use of some abilities but should still be mastered to unlock Soldier 11’s full potential which won't be for everyone.
  • Part of a faction with no other teammates currently on release limiting her synergies to only fire characters.

Reroll value:

Grace [ DPS]

Grace is a

S Rank
S-Rank character from the Electric element who belongs to the Anomaly Specialty.

Pros & Cons

  • Most attacks have a movement-based component which is controllable by the player making Grace one of the most mobile characters.
  • Incredibly fast damaging combos allow Grace to be played alongside another damage dealer as a Sub-dps without her competing for field time.
  • Deals the majority of her damage through Shock which after applied can be triggered by other characters while Grace isn’t even on the field.
  • The backbone of the Shock team archetype making her a must-have if you want to play that team on release.
  • Incredibly cheap EX Special meaning it will be available far more frequently than other characters.
  • Incredibly active playstyle requiring accumulation and spending of charges on top of constant movement. Good for players who like a lot of action.
  • Constant movement on abilities can sometimes lead to Grace being out of position if not controlled correctly.
  • Re-applying a Shock to an already Shocked target will not deal any additional damage but only refresh the duration making spamming out Shocks, while possible, a less efficient use of Grace's resources (Disorder can be used to solve this issue somewhat).
  • Strong damage potential but less straightforward to play as a sole damage dealer than other characters and prefers to be played alongside another damage dealer (such as Anton) in most cases.
  • Her best and incredibly synergistic support (Rina) is an S-Rank and playing without her is noticeable, limiting Grace’s free-to-play power on release unless you get lucky.

Reroll value:

Rina [ Support]

Rina is a

S Rank
S-Rank character from the Electric element who belongs to the Support Specialty.

Pros & Cons

  • Has two pet Bangboo puppets she casts all her abilities with - they hang around on the field after she casts abilities for a short while before returning to her.
  • Has the incredibly generic buff that while Bangboos are on the field Rina grants 25% of her PEN ratio + a flat amount up to a limit of 30% to all team members, increasing the whole team’s damage tremendously.
  • Additional ability increases all Shock durations from 10 seconds to 13 seconds resulting in higher Shock uptime and 30% more total damage if all Shocks have the chance to run their full duration (essential for Shock teams). Also grants the team 10% Electric damage while there is a Shocked enemy.
  • Pen Ratio buff is universal enough to always be helpful in any team and the Shock duration extension is unique enough that it’s unlikely Rina will become replaced too quickly.
  • Very easy to understand and play outside of ensuring Rina’s Bangboo’s stay deployed.
  • Very high movement speed,
  • Dash distance and can attack while slightly moving making Rina one of the highest mobility characters in the game (next to Grace).
  • Many abilities last multiple seconds and occupy Rina’s Bangboos, restricting her from casting another ability until the last one finishes - this makes the use of Rina’s abilities in quick succession challenging.
  • Bangboos need to be constantly redeployed in order to take advantage of Rina’s Pen Ratio buff, meaning you’ll need to stay on top of weaving her attacking in between your other characters as much as possible.

Reroll value:

Nekomata [ DPS]

Nekomata is a

S Rank
S-Rank character from the Physical element who belongs to the Attack Specialty.

Pros & Cons

  • Has great AoE coverage on her Ultimate, Chain, and Dodge Counter allowing for easy cleanup of weaker enemies.
  • Multiple team synergies among free-to-play characters even if they aren’t as strong as other characters' best teams.
  • Incredible mobility with a Dash Attack that is a borderline teleport.
  • Fast attacking and dodge-based kit perfect for those who enjoy a fast-paced playstyle.
  • Incredibly cheap EX Special meaning it will be available far more frequently than other characters.
  • Requires constant use of Dodge Counters or Quick Assists in order to keep her Core passive ability active whereas many other characters get theirs permanently active for free.
  • During Stun damage windows when the enemy cannot attack, Nekomata must rely on her Support to grant her a Quick Assist or go without a large damage bonus.
  • Is a Physical damage dealer and there are three A-Rank characters from this element - one of which is free - meaning she has by far the most competition for her role within her element, making her relative value compared to other elemental S-Rank drop.
  • Has incredibly limited team synergy options. There is no Physical support or Stun characters and the characters from her faction Cunning Hares only have mediocre synergy with her at best. This results in lower endgame potential for her at the time of her release.

Reroll value:


Well, that was a nice wall of text, so here's a TL;DR:

  • If you’re planning on pulling Ellen you should strongly consider rerolling for Lycaon if you’re going to reroll as he is a huge part of her best and the strongest team on release (Mono-Ice).
  • If you’re skipping Ellen and you’re not sure if you want to get Zhu Yuan, you should consider rerolling for a Main DPS as without them you may struggle while progressing (especially through Hollow Zero and Shiyu Defense).
    • The simplest and most clear cut to build teams around is Soldier 11 - she has great A-Rank team mates in Lucy and Ben and is the only Fire-type damage dealer giving you more elemental coverage on your account.
    • Nekomata is also an option but as there are a whopping 3 other A-Rank Physical damage dealers she would only be an upgrade over an existing free Physical element dps and not something new. Her team options on release are also weaker than other damage dealers making her primarily a pick if you like her or see future potential in her.
  • Alternatively you can still go for Lycaon as even without Ellen he is still the best Stun character in the game, has an excellent generic damage debuff and great future potential. This option works well if you’re okay with using A-Rank characters as your damage dealers. Koleda is also an option and is also great but she loses out to Lycaon in value in both the long and short term.
  • What about Grace and Rina? Both are great long-term choices for your account, but aren’t quite as strong for your first S-Rank character pick.
    • Grace shines most as a Sub-DPS, preferring to be partnered with another damage dealer,
    • Rina is a Support who amplifies already powerful units - not something as useful if you’re lacking the powerful units to begin with,
    • Both of these character’s value will only increase as you accumulate more characters on your account and more options are released and are likely to age the best alongside Lycaon.