Honkai: Star RailHertaBest build, teams and other guides


Herta is a 4 character from the Ice element who follows the Path of Erudition.

Herta Space Station's true master. As the human with the highest IQ in The Blue, she only does what she's interested in, dropping whatever project immediately the moment she loses interest — the best example being the space station.

She typically appears in the form of a ranged puppet. "It's about seventy percent similar to how I looked as a child." — Herta

To learn more about Herta check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.

Video guide

Herta has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review update

Patch 2.0

Last major build/calcs update

Patch 2.0

Last profile update*

September 15th, 2024

*Profile update means smaller edits to relics, stats, synergies or teams that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Herta check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for - kit, traces, review or build guides.



Build and teams

MoC/PF/AS Statistics



Basic ATK

What Are You Looking At?

Single Target

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 20

Break: 10

Deals Ice DMG equal to #1[i]% of Herta's ATK to a single enemy.

One-Time Offer


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 30

Break: 10

Deals Ice DMG equal to #1[i]% of Herta's ATK to all enemies. If the enemy's HP percentage is #2[i]% or higher, DMG dealt to this target increases by #3[i]%.

It's Magic, I Added Some Magic

AoE | 110 energy cost

Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 20

Deals Ice DMG equal to #1[i]% of Herta's ATK to all enemies.

Fine, I'll Do It Myself


Lv. 1

Energy gain: 5

Break: 5

When an ally's attack causes an enemy's HP percentage to fall to #1[i]% or lower, Herta will launch a follow-up attack, dealing Ice DMG equal to #2[i]% of Herta's ATK to all enemies.

It Can Still Be Optimized


Energy gain: 0

Break: -

After using her Technique, Herta's ATK increases by #1[i]% for #2[i] turn(s) at the beginning of the next battle.
Major Traces
A2Major trace


When Skill is used, the DMG Boost effect on target enemies increases by an extra 25%.
A4Major trace


The chance to resist Crowd Control Debuffs increases by 35%.
A6Major trace


When Ultimate is used, deals 20% more DMG to Frozen enemies.
Minor Traces (total)

Kick You When You're Down

Eidolon 1

If the enemy's HP percentage is at 50% or less, Herta's Basic ATK deals Additional Ice DMG equal to 40% of Herta's ATK.


Keep the Ball Rolling

Eidolon 2

Every time Talent is triggered, this character's CRIT Rate increases by 3%. This effect can stack up to 5 time(s).


That's the Kind of Girl I Am

Eidolon 3

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


Hit Where it Hurts

Eidolon 4

When Talent is triggered, DMG increases by 10%.


Cuss Big or Cuss Nothing

Eidolon 5

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


No One Can Betray Me

Eidolon 6

After using Ultimate, this character's ATK increases by 25% for 1 turn(s).

Stats and materials
Level 80
Enable Ascension
Level 80 stats
Level 1 → 80 Ascension Materials
  • Credit
    x 246400
  • Extinguished Core
    Extinguished Core
    x 12
  • Glimmering Core
    Glimmering Core
    x 13
  • Horn of Snow
    Horn of Snow
    x 50
  • Squirming Core
    Squirming Core
    x 12
PJ Mattson
Yamazaki Haruka (山崎はるか)
Xiaofei Hou (侯小菲)


Pros & Cons

  • Destroys in AoE content, having a good time even if there’s only 2-3 enemies,

  • Large amounts of Toughness damage,

  • Does extremely well into summoner-type enemies,

  • Good in dual carry setups thanks to her Talent follow-ups,

  • Gets Eidolons for free.


  • Dismal in true single-target scenarios,

  • Low Toughness damage without enemies to get spins from,

  • Low Base stats,

  • Very late bloomer with uneven progression.

Review (By Sushou)

Herta is an AoE specialist character capable of dishing out surprisingly high damage against multiple combatants consistently. She has a low cost Ultimate and can very quickly regain Energy thanks to her Talent’s follow-up attacks. She struggles significantly when there is only one enemy on the field, but can pivot to being SP positive in dual carry setups when that happens. Many of her Eidolons are also freely available courtesy of the rewards from the Simulated Universe.

Well, well, well, how the turns table. Not as much as for Qingque admittedly, but hey, we can’t all suddenly be considered one of the best characters in the game, right? Herta may still be scorned by many for being underwhelming in single-target scenarios, but she’s certainly started making a compelling case for using her in the now numerous multi-target combat encounters we’ve been getting steadily more accustomed to.

Herta’s Skill hits all enemies on the field for up to 100% of her ATK. If the enemies’ HP is 50% or higher, this attack also deals 20% increased DMG to said targets. A simple Skill but one that is quite efficient in those multi-target situations. The increased DMG% is also appreciated and helps to get enemies down to the necessary HP thresholds to activate Herta’s Talent.

Her Talent will cause Herta to do her signature follow-up spin attack whenever an ally’s attack reduces an enemy’s HP to 50% or below. She’ll deal up to 40% ATK to all enemies. A paltry amount initially, but this is per spin, and if multiple enemies’ HP falls below 50%, Herta will do an equivalent amount of spins. This is even dynamically updated, so if the first follow-up attack reduces a second enemy’s HP to below 50%, Herta will automatically perform a second spin within the same follow-up. Herta will also get these spins even if the target dies beforehand.

This means that it’s possible for Herta to get 5 consecutive spins off in a single follow-up attack if 5 enemies fall below 50% either before the first spin or within the follow-up attack window. If this happens, Herta is doing 40% ATK damage to 5 enemies, meaning it’s essentially a 200% ATK total… 5 times. It’s weird to think that Herta’s follow-up can deal an equivalent 1000% ATK damage to 5 targets, but it really is that much, and it can be very visible if your Herta is actually well invested.

Important to note as well that each individual spin will also give Herta back 5 Energy, meaning multiple spins can very easily give a huge amount of Energy back for her Ultimate. Each spin will also deal its own instance of Toughness damage, meaning that a fully spun Herta will deal 75 Toughness damage to all enemies on the field, potentially.

Herta’s Ultimate deals 200% ATK to all enemies. It deals increased Toughness damage as well, and has a below average Energy cost of 110. Since it is quite likely that Herta will be killing off smaller enemies with her wide ranging attacks, she’ll be getting plenty of Energy from the kills as well as plenty more from her Talent’s follow-up attacks.

Herta is an archetypal Erudition unit in this game. She is perfectly tailored to AoE combat and does a really good job at it. Unfortunately when it comes to single-target combat, the differences are extremely stark. Without the potential to combo into her Talent, her damage will suffer tremendously. Worse still is that while her Talent has the potential to deal a huge chunk of damage, it’s a one-time deal; once an enemy is below 50% HP, it’s extremely rare for them to be able to recover that lost health unless they’re a boss type enemy.

It’s complicated. In the event that a strong Elite or Boss is facing you by themselves, Herta will offer virtually nothing in that encounter. If she’s your only damage dealer in that fight, then she will quite literally be near useless. However this starts to get flipped if said Elite or Boss is capable of summoning reinforcements. Now, if there are plenty of smaller foes for Herta to decimate and proc her Talent off of, the incidental damage from her follow-up spins can end up making up a large portion of the damage she would otherwise be missing, and then contributing to higher Ultimate uptime in the process.

From this you should be able to see that Herta is quite a feast or famine type of unit. If the conditions are met for her to excel, she will do so handily, but otherwise can fall to the wayside. Now that there is a much higher prevalence of enemies that can summon reinforcements repeatedly, Herta can actually be brought into fights that she has absolutely no business being in usually, such as against the IPC Team Leader Elite, or better yet, the True Sting. Yeah, she has a very good time against those damned bugs if you’ve invested in her.

The pervasive question then is ‘should you invest in Herta’ and that can seem tricky to answer initially. I say ‘initially’ because a great many people seem to claim they do not have an Ice damage dealer, which is odd since Herta most definitely exists and is given to everyone unconditionally. Returns on investment may not appear as obviously as for other flashier characters, especially 5-stars, but they most definitely do come about.

Herta’s A2 increases the DMG boost of her Skill by an extra 25% when used against high HP targets, for a new total of 45%. This is a very noticeable bump to damage, especially as it can contribute to pushing enemies below 50% HP for her Talent follow-up or sometimes just outright killing smaller foes. A4 provides a 35% chance to resist Crowd Control, a small but welcome addition to ensure that Herta is more frequently ready to perform a follow-up after an ally’s attack, though this usually comes into play more in dual carry setups. A6 will allow her Ultimate to deal 20% increased DMG to Frozen enemies, something that actually comes up a fair bit if there are enough enemies for a lot of follow-ups due to the increased Toughness damage output.

Herta is not only a freely accessible character but one who also gains Eidolons for free as well. As of the time of writing this, everyone is able to get an E4 Herta for completing worlds in the Simulated Universe. As such, she’s evaluated with this in mind.

E1 gives extra functionality to her Basic ATK. When attacking enemies below 50% HP, she will deal an extra 40% ATK as damage, for a new total of 140%. This is a pretty big deal in terms of Basic ATKs as it deals increased damage while still recovering a Skill Point, though this is usually not as big of a deal outside of dual carry setups, and is not enough to offset her weaknesses in single-target combat. E2 provides a permanent CRIT Rate boost of 3% every time her Talent is triggered up to a max of 5 stacks. 15% free CRIT Rate for just doing what you were going to be doing is a very impressive bonus for anyone, especially for Herta in those multi-target encounters where it’s easy to stack up.

E4 increases the Talent follow-up DMG by 10%, and E6 will increase Herta’s ATK by 25% for 1 turn after using her Ultimate. E3 and E5 are actually significant to her as they increase ability levels and can have a very noticeable impact due to her AoE-heavy nature; her Skill goes to 110% ATK per enemy, and her Talent goes to 43% per enemy.

Really, the other big downside of Herta besides her fumbling in single-target combat is that her Base stats are really low. Her Base ATK is on the lower end when it comes to damage dealers, and her DEF and HP are much the same, making her quite a frail unit. 

Even still, she is capable of decimating swathes of enemies if put in the right spot and if the player actually invests in her. I’ve said that multiple times because it’s absolutely true. It’s a very uneven progression, I will admit. It’ll seem like nothing’s improving until suddenly ‘oh hey, my Herta is doing damage now’. Please trust me that that point does definitely exist. You can look up videos of Herta wrecking Memory of Chaos if you need more proof. 

I’ve been using Herta since the beginning and I’ve not done her justice, especially in the first iteration of this review. Especially after my initial lapses concerning Qingque, I’m making it a point to do due diligence, and I can safely say that Herta is worth your while, especially if you’re lacking another Ice damage dealer.

Just don’t bring her against the Stormbringer, that Ice weakness is the biggest bait, I swear.


Honkai: Star Rail is a game where team building matters most and while our tier list takes the optimal setup into account, a lot of characters can work and do well - even those ranked lower - when you invest into them. Also for story or lower difficulties of Simulated Universe, you don't need to worry about ratings and tiers. You can safely clear that content even with F2P characters as long as you build your team correctly.

Available ratings:

  • Memory of Chaos (MoC) - how the character performs in the Memory of Chaos. Blast and single target damage are important here while AoE has niche uses against some bosses.
  • Pure Fiction (PF) - how the character performs in the Pure Fiction. AoE is king here, followed by Blast while single target damage is mostly useless.
Eidolon 0







Eidolon 6







Build and teams

Best Relics

Herta Relic and Light Cone calculations are based on fighting against 3 targets.

The percentage numbers showcase the relative DPS increase when you take into account the set bonus only. For some characters there's no DPS (or its equivalent) available and in that case we listed the sets in the order of priority. If a characters uses the Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters, the 100% uptime marking means that they can easily apply the debuff with their skills to activate the 100% bonus to Crit Rate / Crit.

Best Relic Sets



Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.



Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).



Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).


ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.

Best Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.

The most universal and safest choice as you don't rely on teammates or mode to activate its effect - 50% Crit Rate is well below the minimum you should aim for.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 4%. When an enemy target gets defeated, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 4%, stacking up to 10 time(s).

Only good in Pure Fiction where it's easy to stack the secondary effect.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When entering battle, if at least one other ally follows the same Path as the wearer, then the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12%.

Similar to Sigonia, you will mainly use this set in Pure Fiction as only there you would run another Erudition character with Herta.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.

A situational set that requires you to build fast Herta and since currently she's mainly used in PF where in her best teams, Speed doesn't matter, it's hard to justify using this set.
Best Stats
Planar Sphere
Link Rope

SPD (breakpoint) = CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > ATK%

Build comments

This is your typical DPS build that focuses on the holy trifecta - ATK, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG. For every 1% of Crit try to have 2% of Crit DMG.

Recommended endgame stats
  • HP: 2800 - 3000+

  • DEF: 900 - 1100+

  • ATK: 2000 - 2400+

  • CRIT RATE: 65% - 70%+

  • CRIT DMG: 130% - 150%+

  • SPD: Base Speed (pure FUA build) / 134+

Traces priority
Skills priority:

Skill = Talent > Ultimate > Basic

Major Traces priority:

Efficiency (A2) > Icing (A6) > Puppet (A4)

Best Light Cones

Herta Relic and Light Cone calculations are based on fighting against 3 targets.

The numbers show the percentage damage output increase/decrease compared to the Light Cone marked with 100%.


For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 9/10.5/12/13.5/15%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 30/35/40/45/50% for 1 turn.

Source: Stellar Warp

Assumes full uptime on the break damage buff which is incredibly difficult to achieve outside of Pure Fiction. This result is also calculated as if there were 3 targets present for the duration of the fight. A reduction in either of these factors will sharply lower this Cone's performance.


Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 24/30/36/42/48% for 3 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp

Assumes full uptime on the on-kill CRIT DMG% boost at all times. Failing to keep this buff active will lower this Cone's performance.


Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 18/21/24/27/30%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 48/56/64/72/80%.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


Increases the wearer's ATK by 8/9/10/11/12%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 4/5/6/7/8%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 8/10/12/14/16%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store

A F2P option that provides great ATK% and SPD bonuses as long as you're hitting 3 targets consistently (which you always will in PF).


Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. When the wearer uses their Ultimate, the wearer's Ultimate DMG increases based on their Max Energy; Ultimate DMG increases by 0.36/0.42/0.48/0.54/0.6% per point of Energy, up to 180 Energy.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/18/20/22/24%. When the wearer uses an attack and affects no fewer than 2 attacked enemies with a corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Forgotten Hall Store

Assumes constant uptime of the CRIT DMG% buff granted by attacking 2 or more enemies at once with an element they are weak to. Failing to keep this buff active will lower this Cone's performance.


Increases the wearer's DMG by 12/15/18/21/24%. For every defeated enemy, the wearer's ATK increases by 4/5/6/7/8%, stacking up to 3 time(s).

Source: Echo of War  | Forgotten Hall Store  | Mission Reward

Assumes immediate uptime on the on-kill ATK% boost. Not having access to easily defeatable enemies at the start of the fight or being slow to slay enemies will lower this Cone's performance.


After entering battle, increases the wearer's DMG based on their Max Energy. DMG increases by 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4% per point of Energy, up to 160 Energy.

Source: Nameless Glory


For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 9/10.5/12/13.5/15%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 30/35/40/45/50% for 1 turn.

Source: Stellar Warp

Assumes no uptime of the break damage buff which can occur against fights in which you have no elemental advantage. This result is also calculated as if there were 3 targets present for the duration of the fight. When facing fewer than 3 enemies this Cone's performance will reduce.


Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 24/30/36/42/48% for 3 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp

Assumes 0% uptime on-kill CRIT DMG% boost.


Increases the wearer's DMG by 12/15/18/21/24%. For every defeated enemy, the wearer's ATK increases by 4/5/6/7/8%, stacking up to 3 time(s).

Source: Echo of War  | Forgotten Hall Store  | Mission Reward

Assumes 0 stacks of the ATK% bonus.


Increases DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 24/30/36/42/48%. If the current HP of the target enemy is below 50% of their Max HP, increases DMG dealt by follow-up attacks by an extra 24/30/36/42/48%.

Source: Stellar Warp


Herta’s Follow-Up Attacks are very consistent with lots of enemies, however not having a secondary DPS in the party can make them hard to trigger. Robin alleviates this problem by giving a bunch of extra damage whenever anyone attacks, even your Supporters will now be able to trigger Herta’s Follow-Up Attack and allow her to chain them.


Sparkle provides a very strong crit damage% buff on her Skill, and can allow Herta to be built slow. Her Skill buffs also persist in between the end of her current turn and start of her next turn, which means it will buff any and all Follow-Up Attacks Herta may perform, unlike Bronya whose buffs end with her turn end.


Solely for Pure Fiction or AoE based content in general, Himeko is able to chain her own Follow-Up Attacks into triggering Herta’s Follow-Up Attacks, who may retrigger Himeko’s in turn, resulting into an endless loop of Follow-Up Attacks.

Teams (MoC)

The teams in the section are generated based on the current Memory of Chaos data we have gathered. If you want to see more statistics about the mode, check the MoC/PF/AS Statistics tab.

Rank 374

App. rate: 0.05%

Avg. cycles: 8


Rank 526

App. rate: 0.03%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 669

App. rate: 0.02%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 669

App. rate: 0.02%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Ruan Mei

Rank 669

App. rate: 0.02%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Fu Xuan

Rank 970

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Fu Xuan

Rank 970

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 970

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 970

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99


Rank 970

App. rate: 0.01%

Avg. cycles: 99.99

Jing Yuan
Fu Xuan
Video guides

MoC/PF/AS Statistics

MoC 2.4 / PF 2.4 / AS 2.4

This section contains information about Herta performance in the latest Memory of Chaos cycle (2.4), latest Pure Fiction (2.4) and the latest Apocalyptic Shadow (2.4), and the commonly used Relics and Cones in both modes. The page will be automatically updated every 2 weeks once enough data is gathered in the current cycle.

  • For MoC, the last update happened on 10.09.2024 and the data below is based on 15974 accounts (8315 random we have scanned and 7659 self-reported). We have scanned 1.2m accounts in EU, NA and Asia regions and out of those, 4767 cleared MoC 12 and were included in our statistics.
  • For PF, the last update happened on 25.08.2024 and the data below is based on 11944 accounts (4508 random we have scanned and 7436 self-reported). We have scanned 1 million accounts in EU, NA and Asia regions and out of those, 3594 cleared Pure Fiction 4 and were included in our statistics.
  • For AS, the last update happened on 10.08.2024 and the data below is based on 11437 accounts (4344 random we have scanned and 7093 self-reported). We have scanned 1 million accounts in EU, NA and Asia regions and out of those, 8569 cleared Apocalyptic Shadow 4 and were included in our statistics.

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the MoC/PF clear information from your profile after that!

MoC/PF/AS Stats Form
Usage rate (MoC 12)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Memory of Chaos by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (PF 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Pure Fiction by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (AS 4)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Apocalyptic Shadow by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (MoC 12)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Herta in the current phase of Memory of Chaos.

Common partners (PF)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Herta in the current phase of Pure Fiction.

Common partners (AS)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Herta in the current phase of Apocalyptic Shadow.


Eidolons data comes from players we have scanned who used Herta in the current MoC cycle (31), in the current PF cycle (5375) or in the current AS cycle (11) and had the character placed in their Profile.


99.99 cyc.

Eidolon 0


99.99 cyc.

If the enemy's HP percentage is at 50% or less, Herta's Basic ATK deals Additional Ice DMG equal to 40% of Herta's ATK.


99.99 cyc.

Every time Talent is triggered, this character's CRIT Rate increases by 3%. This effect can stack up to 5 time(s).


99.99 cyc.

Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.


99.99 cyc.

When Talent is triggered, DMG increases by 10%.


99.99 cyc.

Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.


99.99 cyc.

After using Ultimate, this character's ATK increases by 25% for 1 turn(s).

Light Cones

Light Cones are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Herta in the current MoC cycle (31), in the current PF cycle (5375) or in the current AS cycle (11) and had the character placed in their Profile.


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/20/24/28/32%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 24/30/36/42/48% for 3 turn(s).

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36/42/48/54/60%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 18/21/24/27/30%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 48/56/64/72/80%.

Source: Event Warp (limited)


99.99 cyc.

Increases DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 24/30/36/42/48%. If the current HP of the target enemy is below 50% of their Max HP, increases DMG dealt by follow-up attacks by an extra 24/30/36/42/48%.

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 9/10.5/12/13.5/15%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 30/35/40/45/50% for 1 turn.

Source: Stellar Warp


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 8/9/10/11/12%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 4/5/6/7/8%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 8/10/12/14/16%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Source: Herta's Store


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's DMG by 12/15/18/21/24%. For every defeated enemy, the wearer's ATK increases by 4/5/6/7/8%, stacking up to 3 time(s).

Source: Echo of War  | Forgotten Hall Store  | Mission Reward


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/18/20/22/24%. When the wearer uses an attack and affects no fewer than 2 attacked enemies with a corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Forgotten Hall Store


99.99 cyc.

After entering battle, increases the wearer's DMG based on their Max Energy. DMG increases by 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4% per point of Energy, up to 160 Energy.

Source: Nameless Glory


99.99 cyc.

Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 16/19/22/25/28%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 20% CRIT DMG that exceeds 120%, the DMG dealt by follow-up attack increases by 12/14/16/18/20%. This effect can stack up to 4 time(s). When the battle starts or after the wearer uses their Basic ATK, enables Ultimate or the DMG dealt by follow-up attack to ignore 20/24/28/32/36% of the target's DEF, lasting for 2 turn(s).

Source: Event Warp (limited)


99.99 cyc.

The wearer regenerates 20/23/26/29/32 Energy immediately upon entering battle, and increases Ultimate DMG by 32/40/48/56/64%.

Source: Stellar Warp

Relic Sets

Relic Sets are ranked with usage rate among the players we have scanned who used Herta in the current MoC cycle (31), in the current PF cycle (5375) or in the current AS cycle (11) and had the character placed in their Profile. The results are limited to top 5 combinations. Flex means 2 random Relic pieces that don't combine into a Set.

Relic Sets



Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.



Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.



Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).


Increases follow-up attack DMG by 20%.


When the wearer uses follow-up attacks against the target enemy, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 times and lasts for 3 turns. This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.


Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).

Planetary Sets



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 4%. When an enemy target gets defeated, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 4%, stacking up to 10 time(s).



When allies use follow-up attacks, the wearer receives 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 times. Every stack of Merit increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 25%.



Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 70% or higher, the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG increase by 20%.



Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.

Relic Stats

Relic Stats are shown based on the Relics used by the players we have scanned who used Herta in the current MoC cycle (31), in the current PF cycle (5375) or in the current AS cycle (11) and had the character placed in their Profile.

Main stats
- 67.69%
- 30.59%
- 1.14%
- 68.59%
- 30.56%
Planar Sphere
- 87.7%
- 11.43%
Wind DMG
Wind DMG
- 0.29%
Link Rope
- 94.28%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 4%
Average stats
Average stats
- 2913.53
- 2653.7
- 1048.43
- 113.85
- 68.15%
- 144.08%
- 59.23%
Energy Regen
Energy Regen Rate
- 0.78%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 9.38%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 8.27%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 16.16%
Average sub stats
Average sub stats
- 11.1%
- 15.97%
- 10.25%
- 4.91
- 29.32%
- 67.93%
Effect RES
Effect RES
- 9.35%
Effect HIT Rate
Effect HIT Rate
- 8.27%
Break Effect
Break Effect
- 16.85%
Other stats
Average stats
Character level - 79.78
Light Cone level - 79.34
Basic level - 3.99
Skill level - 9.12
Ultimate level - 9.14
Talent level - 9.45


Damage Output

The simulation showcases characters damage potential in the 8 cycle turn limit of Memory of Chaos against 1 target and 3 targets. The section below has all the rules listed.


  • Combat is simulated at 8 cycles of in-game time or 850 Action Points,
  • Units are considered to gain 5 additional energy per rotation through combat (taking a hit, killing an enemy or through party members and their Light Cone),
  • Characters and Light Cones are calculated at maximum output starting battle with ramp time removed from stacking buffs (intended to give a constant evaluation of power not dependant on length of fight that can be used to assess maximum power). Additional information about loss of damage due to ramp time can be round attached to related Light Cones, relics and characters,
  • Character rotations are smoothed removing breakpoints relating to Speed and Energy (finishing a fight with 90% energy full or 2 AV off next ability leading to skewed results). This removes any specific cut off point 850 AV, 750 AV etc, from impacting the results.


  • Enemies are considered to always have a Break Bar resulting in units all doing 90% of real damage,
  • Enemies speed is set to 134,
  • Enemies are assumed to be at 100% of HP at start of battle and to die at exactly at the end of combat. Which means halfway through the fight they are at 50% HP,
  • Enemies are assumed to have 0 Resistance,
  • Enemies are always considered vulnerable to the attackers element,
  • Enemies are considered level 95 and with DEF included.


  • All units are level 80,
  • Traces are all unlocked, skills at Level 10 and Basic at Level 6,
  • All units have fully upgraded 5 star relics with 24 desired sub stats out of a possible 54,
  • All units use their Best In Slot 2 and 4 piece sets,
  • All units use Light Cones that are realistically obtainable by all players (including those in Herta and FH Stores and Battle Pass),
    • Because the Herta Store and farmable Light Cones are easily accessible to playerbase, we are simulating them at Superimposition 5.
Herta in 1 Target scenario
Herta in 3 Targets scenario

And here are the Relics and the Light Cone used in the calculations above:

Light Cone

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16/18/20/22/24%. When the wearer uses an attack and affects no fewer than 2 attacked enemies with a corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 turn(s).

Source: Forgotten Hall Store

Relic Set


Increases Ice DMG by 10%.


After the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).



ATK increases by 12%.


The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%.

Planetary Sets


Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 8%. When the wearer's current CRIT Rate reaches 50% or higher, the wearer's Ultimate and follow-up attack DMG increases by 15%.

Relic Stats
Planar Sphere
Link Rope

Crit Rate (29.2%), CRIT DMG (70%), Speed (4.6)