
The process of rerolling in Black Clover Mobile changes depending on the version you play. While the KR and JPN servers make the reroll process as painless as possible, the Canada server did the opposite - it made it as tedious as possible. As for the upcoming Global server, we're assuming it will follow the Canada tedious route of rerolling, because the Global server will be another server added in the Canada client. This means that if you want to start strong in the game, you have to prepare for pain. A lot of pain.

Rerolls in different servers

Time needed: 7/10 minutes per reroll

Can reroll on: Phone or Emulator

Can delete account: Yes

Rerolling on the KR/JPN server is super easy as you just need to clear the tutorial and unlock the summoning system - all the pulls you need to do your reroll will wait for you in the mail. Then after doing your pulls, you can simply delete your account using an option available in-game and try again!

  1. Start the game and login as Guest,
  2. Play through the tutorial - you will quickly unlock the Quest Tracker feature and it will auto-path you to the next NPC to talk to,
    • You can skip most of the cutscenes - there will be a skip button in top right corner of the screen when it's possible to do,
  3. Once you defeat the Bear stage in the forest and return to the Town, you will unlock Summoning. Check your mail for the currently available starter rewards and do your pulls!
  4. After pulling, if you're not happy with the results, simply head to the Settings (Account Tab) where you will find Account Delete option. It will instantly take you to the starter screen and allow you to start from scratch.

Time needed: 50/60 minutes per reroll

Can reroll on: Both Emulator and Phone

Can delete account: Yes!

Rerolling on the Global server was changed to be as tedious as possible, but thankfully they brought the Delete Account button back! This means that you don't need to worry about clearing cache or creating multiple Google Accounts. Once you finish the nearly hour long reroll, you can just delete your guest account from the game.

  1. Start the game and login as Guest,
  2. Play through the tutorial - you will quickly unlock the Quest Tracker feature and it will auto-path you to the next NPC to talk to,
    • You can skip most of the cutscenes - there will be a skip button in top right corner of the screen when it's possible to do,
  3. Once you defeat the Bear stage in the forest and return to the Town, you will unlock Summoning. Then you will be able to do a tutorial 10-pull at this point which is fixed and always gives Charlotte. The game will also give you 10 summon tickets in the mail,
  4. Continue playing through the story and once you clear Chapter 1 Episode 5 you will obtain the pre-register rewards (which will contain 20 pulls and some other goodies),
    • It should take you roughly 30 minutes to reach this point.
  5. Continue playing through the story and once you clear Chapter 1 Episode 11 you will unlock the 'Infinite Reroll Banner'. You will be able to do twenty 10-pulls and keep one of them,
    • It should take you roughly 50 minutes to reach this point.
  6. You're done! If you got who you want, you can continue playing. If you didn't - use the Delete Account feature found in the Settings to start again.

How to reroll (Canada & Global)

Reroll on your phone

The Delete Account button is back in Global, so you can reroll on your phone if you want now!

Reroll on an emulator

This option is the one we suggest using. Depending on how strong is your PC you will either reroll using a single instance or using the multi-instance method.


If you want to check how the Canada/Global reroll process works in 'action', here are some handy videos:

Available banners (Global)

Seasonal banner (Season 1)

On this banner you can get the 3 seasonal characters:

Asta [Clover Academy]
Mimosa [Clover Academy]
Yami [Clover Academy]

All of them are really strong in various areas of the game and specialize in different things:

  • Asta - a single-target focused DPS who is great both in PVE and PVP. He can buff himself and gain an extra turn when attacking targets who are above 80% HP. This makes him a great damage dealer for any content who is also considered as the best damage dealer for PVP in KR/JPN (mainly due to his burst damage and high Speed),
  • Mimosa - a Healer great both in PVE and PVP. While early she will be the best option when you need healing, in the future a lot stronger healers (or shielders) will release that will slightly powercreep her (but she still remains close to the top),
  • Yami (Blue) - a hybrid DPS/debuffer. While his damage is pretty decent, the debuffs he brings will make him a nightmare in the PVP, but in the KR/JPN version after the first few weeks, the meta shifted away from Blue team and Blue Yami's usage took a dip.
Yami (Red) banner

Yami (Red) will be the prime Damage Dealer that will carry you through the early story and PVP. Till Summer Noelle release (which happens in Season 2, roughly 6 weeks after the game launches) he will be considered as the best option for the DPS Slot, but then he will start to fall off.

What banner to pull on?

Considering the fact that you will be able to obtain a Seasonal character of your choice via the Destiny Gate system, we suggest not rolling on that banner - at least during the reroll process. That's because some of the standard pool characters are among the strongest in the game (yes, even now in KR/JP) and rerolling for them will future-proof your account. Once you finish the reroll process and secure a great start, you can go back to the Seasonal banner.

Which Season 1 character should you pick?
  • Short term (first few weeks): Asta > Blue Yami > Mimosa,
    • Mimosa is last because you don't need a healer in the early game at all - neither in PVP or PVE,
  • Long term: Asta > Mimosa > Blue Yami
    • Blue Yami won't be meta anymore in PVP as there will be replacements for him. Mimosa will actually be used more in PVP then (because she is very gear reliant) and you will be farming harder PVE content where she shines more.

Overall Season 1 Mimosa is the best among the bunch - both short and long term, but the issue is that you really want a DPS more than a healer in the early game, so Asta will actually help you more.

As for the non-seasonal characters, getting Lotus + Mars is the way to go as they're very strong on release and still top tier even now in KR/JPN versions - and they're also core members of the Red Gear dungeon team on top of being monsters in PVP:

If you have to pick between the two, Lotus has a priority - Mars can be replaced by other units in the Gear Dungeon, but Lotus has no replacement.

Reroll banner priority

Now that you're satisfied with your ticket pulls, it's time to go back to the Reroll banner! Here's the priority of the characters that you want to get from there:

Charlotte has been moved to the lowest priority tier because everyone gets her for free from first 10-pull in Global.

And here's a bit information about some of the stronger characters: