Psychubes Cheat sheet

Psychube suggestions
On the Hand of Time
On the Hand of Time2.3
Falling for a Sweet Phenomenon
Falling for a Sweet Phenomenon
Silent and Adoring
Silent and Adoring
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Knock on the Door
Knock on the Door
Psychube comments

“On the Hand of Time” is great for 37 comps with very frequent extra actions, and works well in teams with Flutterpage. At max level, 37 can stack up to 60% Crit DMG. Make sure 37 can proc her extra action twice in a turn to get the full effect. “Falling for a Sweet Phenomenon” is her new Anecdote psychube and is the BiS option for any non-AFK 37. For pure AFK-bot 37, use “Silent and Adoring” instead. “Long Night Talk” is best for people running P5 DPS 37. “Knock on the Door” increases her Crit Rate and FUA damage. Use her with a Burn applicator like J to get the full effect.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is 6's signature psychube and allows him to dish out lots of damage against every Afflatus. “Luxurious Leisure” is a good secondary option, especially against Spirit enemies like the Opera Raid Boss. “His Bounden Duty” is a good general DPS option. “Yearning Desire” is very easy for 6 to activate and is a good budget DPS option.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is A Knight's BiS option, allowing him to deal lots of damage to any Afflatus and increasing his Ultimate Might to easily snag kills for Rousing Morale. “Hopscotch” is great for A Knight because he excels at killing off low HP enemies. “Brave New World” and “His Bounden Duty” are great all-around DPS options.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

"Her Second Life" lets aliEn T do some healing on Ult and does its best to increase his abysmal ATK. "The Fighter's Best Wishes" gives aliEn T some much-needed tankiness (DMG Taken Reduction and HP%). "His Bounden Duty" has great base ATK, which is crucial for low rarity characters to actually do damage. "A Free Heart" is a good budget option for a tank build.

Psychube suggestions
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Brave New World
Brave New World
Another Story
Another Story
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“Long Night Talk” comes as a great addition for An-An Lee, especially if you're going for a more offensive approach. She can consistently keep the passive of this psychube up, and in return receive great benefits on her overall DPS.

“Her Second Life” is recommended if you feel like your team could enjoy some extra survivability, while “Brave New World” should be prioritized if you're approaching An-an Lee from a more aggressive play style and do not have LNT.

“Another Story” is an unexpected addition. An-an Lee can make good use of its passive since she upgrades her cards often, and despite her Ultimate not being her main source of damage, the Ultimate Might is also welcome.

Psychube suggestions
Transcendent Love
Transcendent Love
Same Old Story
Same Old Story
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“Transcendent Love” is her signature psychube and provides an incredible 16% ATK, Crit Rate, Crit DMG, and DMG dealt. “Same Old Story” works perfectly as a backup option, giving her 18% Incantation Might, 28% DMG Dealt, and 5% PEN rate. Anjo Nala applies a lot of [Neg Stat], making “Blasphemer of Night” a great general option for her. Similarly, “Yearning Desire” is trivial for Anjo Nala to activate; it's a great budget option.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” turns his Ult healing from single-target to AoE and increases his low ATK. “Take the Hard Journey” increases his healing. APPLe's low DEF makes the passive healing bonus easy to trigger.

Psychube suggestions
Stray Off the Path
Stray Off the Path
Outside the City
Outside the City
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Psychube comments

“Stray Off the Path” is Argus' signature psychube. It gives Crit Rate, Incantation Might on her FUA, and a lot of Crit DMG. “Outside the City” is a perfect backup option that gives an incredible amount of Crit Rate and Crit DMG. “Luxurious Leisure” makes Argus' Ultimate a fantastic source of burst damage. A good option for when she's on a rank-up team, since she gains Moxie when you cast a lot of high-ranked incantations. “Blasphemer of Night” is a flexible general use option if you don't want to hyper-invest into Argus. Best used with Marcus or some other Neg Stat applicator.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Brave New World
Brave New World
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
Psychube comments

"Her Second Life" and "Long Night Talk" are the main recommendations for Avgust. By using the former, Avgust is able to proportionate extra healing for the team every time he uses his ultimate, all while gaining a boost in ATK that will benefit both his damage skill and the scaling of his [Cure]. Meanwhile, "Long Night Talk" is a more aggressive choice. Avgust can fulfill the requirements of this psychube easily, and you can opt for it if you are planning for a DPS approach on him. There are also two sets of alternative choices: "Her Second Life" and "Dawn is Coming" will both increase the passive healing from Avgust's [Cure]. If you want to slot him as the Sustain character of your team, this is a viable option. "Brave New World" and "His Bounden Duty" are universal psychubes that will synergize well with Avgust if you wish for an aggressive/DPS focused approach but don't have "Long Night Talk".

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Brave New World
Brave New World
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

"Her Second Life" gives Baby Blue's Ultimate some healing utility to make her a more well-rounded support. "Brave New World" is a great general use damage option. "That Inquisitive Dear" lets Baby Blue heal allies when she casts her debuffs. A bit unconventional. "Yearning Desire" is very easy for Baby Blue to activate and is relatively cheap to upgrade.

Psychube suggestions
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Laughter and Laughter
Laughter and Laughter
Psychube comments

“Take the Hard Journey” is perfect for Balloon Party. Since her healing scales off of Lost HP, she doesn't mind hanging out at below 80% HP to get that +27% Healing Bonus.

While Balloon Party doesn't inflict any debuff to take advantage of “That Inquisitive Dear”'s passive, that Psychube's healing boost is higher than the others, as well as giving you the boost right out of the gate. Meanwhile, for Psychubes like “Laughter and Laughter,” you have to wait for it to stack.

Some may argue that “Her Second Life” is a better option due to its healing on Ultimate. However, Balloon Party is a very passive healer, and her healing doesn't scale from ATK like some other healers. Comparing the overall superior raw stats from both 6-star Psychubes, “That Inquisitive Dear” still provides a bigger bonus on Balloon Party's healing at the end of the day.

Psychube suggestions
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Psychube comments

“Beyond Wonderland” works perfectly with Barbara's kit because her passive healing scales off of Max HP. Her debuffs can increase that healing even further. “The Fighter's Best Wishes” also increases her Max HP while making her a little tankier. Since Barbara only heals while in [Dream Visit], “That Inquisitive Dear” allows her to heal during Ult downtime. “Long Night Talk” is the best option for a shielder/damage build, since it increases her ATK by 12.5%.

Psychube suggestions
In the Shadow
In the Shadow
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

Bette is one of the few characters who can take advantage of “In the Shadow.” The 10% ATK and 15% Incantation Might boosts her damage output while the 12% DMG Taken Reduction helps her abysmal survivability.

“Dawn is Coming” allows Bette to heal from her skill 2 and Ultimate. As a shielder and DEF buffer, Bette can use this psychube to become a pseudo-sustain.

“The Fighter's Best Wishes” solely helps to keep Bette from dying as quickly, since her 3* stats make her very squishy.

“A Free Heart” is a good budget option if you don't have “The Fighter's Best Wishes.”

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

As a high damage dealer with a single-target ult, “Luxurious Leisure” is the best option for Bkornblume if you aren't using it on your main damage dealer already. Beyond that, the usual choices are also viable.

Psychube suggestions
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
Brave New World
Brave New World
Spinning Yarns
Spinning Yarns
Psychube comments

Since her ultimate already buffs both her Crit. Rate and Crit. DMG, as well as working as a set-up for her next skills, BNW has even more weight here. Blonney's ultimate may not deal much damage in itself, but since it is used as an opener for a burst window. If you have invested into BNW's Amplification passive, it will provide the biggest boon to Blonney's kit among the available options. “Hopscotch” is another safe choice to guarantee that Blonney will keep building up her damage regardless of crit. Aside from that, since Blonney is a crit-oriented character, “Thunderous Applause” is also a good option. “The Carat of the Heart” enters the hall if you're using her as your main damage dealer. She can become quite AP-Hungry, but at the same time generate lots of moxie in one round to quickly cycle her ultimate and burst windows. Take into consideration, however, that Blonney's own kit and teammates should already be enough to cover her critical needs. For this reason, these two Psychubes are less favored, unless dealing with enemies who have high Crit. Resistance.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
In the Shadow
In the Shadow
Brave New World
Brave New World
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
Psychube comments

The 10% ATK gets from “Her Second Life” makes his buff stronger, since its scales off his ATK stat. The healing is a nice bonus. “In the Shadow” also provides 10% ATK along with 12% DMG reduction and 15% Incantation Might, though the ATK needs to stack up. “Brave New World” is a great general use psychube that makes his Ultimate stronger. “Dawn is Coming” turns him into a pseudo-healer if you lack a proper sustain.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” is great for Bunny Bunny. Not only does her Ultimate healing scale off of ATK, this psychube also adds an extra layer of healing on top of that. The ATK% also helps her DPS. As an OK applicator of [Nasty Wound], Bunny Bunny can use “Blasphemer of Night” with some consistency, especially since her Insight I inflicts [Gracious Host] on all enemies for 2 turns. Bunny Bunny's crit-based, single-target kit works perfectly with “Thunderous Applause” if you want to build her as a DPS. “Yearning Desire” is a good budget alternative to “Blasphemer of Night.”

Psychube suggestions
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
The Carat of a Heart
The Carat of a Heart
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Psychube comments

“Hopscotch” increases Incantation Might and stacks up Ultimate Might. Since Centurion doesn't like using her Ultimate immediately, she can afford to let “Hopscotch” stack up to great effect. “His Bounden Duty” is a great general use option for DPS characters with a high base ATK and DMG Bonus. With some amount of Moxie generation in her kit, Centurion can activate “The Carat of a Heart” for an even more powerful Ultimate. “Thunderous Applause” is an OK option for a crit-based build.

Psychube suggestions
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
A Satisfied Eater
A Satisfied Eater
Psychube comments

“Hopscotch” and, to a lesser extent, “Brave New World” both Incantation Might and Ultimate Might. Meanwhile, “His Bounden Duty” has high base ATK and DMG Bonus. All three are great general use DPS psychubes. Since she only has 1-target incantations, Charlie can pretty easily stack up “For Rehabilitation” for its 24% DMG Bonus. “A Satisfied Eater” is Charlie's anecdote psychube and gives her a damage boost for staying below 80% HP.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Brave New World
Brave New World
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is great for Click as it increases his damage against every Afflatus. “His Bounden Duty,” “Hopscotch,” and “Brave New World” are all great general-use DPS options. If you don't have “Balance, Please,” pick whichever one of these strikes your fancy.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” allows Cristallo to heal with her Ultimate. Her passive healing upon getting attacked also scales off of ATK. Since Cristallo only heals when getting hit, she can take advantage of “Take the Hard Journey” since she's likely healing from below 80% HP. “The Fighter's Best Wishes” makes Cristallo tankier, allowing her to take more hits and thus heal more. (It unfortunately does not increase the Genesis DMG from [Radiation Therapy]). “That Inquisitive Dear” increases Cristallo's healing and allows her to heal with her Ultimate and rank 2+ Skill 1.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” turns his Ult healing from single-target to AoE and increases his low ATK. “Take the Hard Journey” increases his healing. Darley Clatter's low DEF and HP makes the passive healing bonus easy to trigger. “His Bounden Duty” is a good option if you want Darley to do more damage.

Psychube suggestions
Outside the City
Outside the City
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Psychube comments

“Outside the City” is great for Desert Flannel because her riposte is single-target, allowing her to scale an exorbitant amount of Crit DMG. With the Crit Rate substat and her high base Crit, Desert Flannel can use this psychube to deal some serious damage. If you want to run her on more of a sustain build, “Her Second Life” increases her healing. While Desert Flannel doesn't have a buff incantation to stack ATK on “Long Night Talk,” her Ultimate makes 2 [Pos Stat] easily achievable for DMG bonus. A good option that doesn't need any amplification.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” works with Diggers' single-target Ultimate and allows him to do more damage. Diggers can activate “Blasphemer of Night” by applying [Weakness] and [Terror]. It's probably still a good idea to bring another Neg Stat applicator if you decide to use this, though. “Yearning Desire” is much easier for Diggers to activate and is a good budget option for him.

Psychube suggestions
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
You Deserve It
You Deserve It
Psychube comments

“That Inquisitive Dear” and “Take the Hard Journey” are both great options if you are running Dikke as a healer. Use “Luxurious Leisure” for a DPS Dikke build. “You Deserve It” is perfect for a hybrid Dikke build, as it provides Healing Bonus as well as Incantation and Ultimate Might.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” lets Door's incantations do good damage against enemies of all Afflatus types, though the Ultimate Might is wasted on him. “Her Second Life” increases his abysmal ATK stat while letting him heal on Ultimate (more useable if you run him with Necrologist). “The Fighter's Best Wishes” and “A Free Heart” make Door tankier so he can survive until he uses his Ultimate.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” can be considered Druvis' BiS for its stats, bonus to ATK and additional healing. Plant teams with Druvis will rarely come with a healer (or need one) thanks to Druvis' Circle of Life passive is often enough to keep the team alive. The healing from HSL comes as an additional safety measure, ensuring that even the characters who don't act much will remain healthy.

“Brave New World” is one of the best Psychube for Druvis if you're going for a full Damage Dealer approach. Another good option is “Blasphemer of Night" since Petrify by itself is a negative status, and usually you will pair Druvis with characters who also provide negative statuses such as Satsuki, An-An Lee and Marcus.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Going Along Alone
Going Along Alone
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” makes Eagle's Ultimate an even stronger source of burst damage. “Thunderous Applause” helps Eagle crit more often. It also boosts the Crit DMG of Eagle's Ultimate and Skill 1, since they're both single-target. Eagle's passive activates “Yearning Desire” automatically. It's a good budget option for damage. “Going Along Alone” is Eagle's anecdote psychube. It gives her a solid +6% Crit Rate and 8% ATK on top of a massive 30% Crit DMG on her Ultimate.

Psychube suggestions
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Let's Set Sail
Let's Set Sail
Psychube comments

As a Star character with a 1-target incantation, Erick is able to get 5% Incantation MIght and up to 24% DMG Dealt from “For Rehabilitation.” As a crit-based character, she also makes great use of the cube's 16% Crit Rate substat. “Luxurious Leisure” is great for an ult-based, main DPS Erick. Though it doesn't give crit, it provides a lot of Ultimate Might and stackable DMG Dealt. Erick's crit-based kit makes “Thunderous Applause” a good general option for her. Plus, her Ultimate and Skill 1 benefit from the Crit DMG boost. “Let's Set Sail” is Erick's anecdote 5* psychube and synergizes well with her Rank 2 Skill 1 [Stats Down] effect, providing a decent Crit DMG buff.

Psychube suggestions
From The Depths
From The Depths
In the Shadow
In the Shadow
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
Psychube comments

For Main DPS Eternity, “Hopscotch” and “Night After Night” are your best bets. Both psychubes increase both Incantation and Ultimate Might. “Night After NIght” also synergizes perfectly with Eternity's [Blood of Immortality] while providing a little DMG bonus at below 80% HP.

For Euphoria Support Eternity, “From the Depths” is a pretty good option. However, as you'll likely be running her with Semmelweis, decide which of the two you'd like to protect more with the revive from “From the Depths”.

As Euphoria Eternity increases all allies' Max HP by 5% of her own HP, the HP% substat on “The Fighter's Best Wishes” and “Beyond Wonderland” make them good options for a support build. “The Fighter's Best Wishes” makes Eternity tankier with its DMG Taken Reduction passive. “Beyond Wonderland” increases the HP Eternity gets back from her Ultimate if she uses her [Nasty Wound] debuff. Since she is also a Crit support with excess Crit Rate conversion, the 21% Crit Rate from “Beyond Wonderland” is also a great addition.

Psychube suggestions
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“Beyond Wonderland” is Ezra's BiS option. As his Genesis DMG scales off of Max HP and can crit, both the HP% substat and 21% Crit Rate work with him perfectly. It also enables his debuff to scale his Insight III HP recovery.

“The Fighter's Best Wishes” also has an HP% substat. Since Ezra sacrifices his own HP, he is often below the 80% HP needed for the DMG Taken Reduction passive. This also increases the Genesis DMG he deals with his debuff. “Her Second Life” is a good general option that also offers some extra sustain.

Psychube suggestions
On the Hand of Time
On the Hand of Time2.3
Same Old Story
Same Old Story
Knock on the Door
Knock on the Door
Transcendent Love
Transcendent Love
Psychube comments

“On the Hand of Time” is Flutterpage's signature psychube. It works well with her kit, giving her PEN rate and stackable Crit DMG.

“Same Old Story” works very well for her, too. While she misses out on the Beast Afflatus buff, all of her FUA during her [Channel] are mass attacks. The potential 28% DMG dealt on FUA and 18% Incantation Might substat make this a great option if you don't want to invest in her signature.

“Knock on the Door” is also a fantastic alternative to her signature. The Crit Rate substat and Incantation Might buff on mass FUA work well with her kit. You can even put her on a team with J to activate the [Burn] passive.

“Transcendent Love” is an okay substitute, though you miss out on half its passive. On Flutterpage, the psychube gives her 10% ATK and stackable Crit Rate & Crit DMG, up to 16% each.

Psychube suggestions
Same Old Story
Same Old Story
The Third Commitment
The Third Commitment
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“Same Old Story” is Getian's signature psychube and increases his FUA damage. This is the best option if you want to maximize Getian's personal damage.

For an Array support build, you can run Getian on “The Third Commitment,” which gives his Array +12% Incantation and Ultimate Might.

“Blasphemer of Night” is relatively easy to activate with the right teammates, since [Shape of Bones] is a [Neg Stat]. “Her Second Life” is a good general support option that allows him to AoE heal on Ultimate.

Psychube suggestions
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Beyond the Gears
Beyond the Gears
Psychube comments

“Hopscotch,” “Brave New World,” and “His Bounden Duty” are great general DPS options for Horropedia. Choose whichever one strikes your fancy. “Her Second Life” is better for a Sub-DPS build where he can contribute a little toward his team's survivability. Horropedia's dispelling effects make “Beyond the Gears” relatively easy for him to activate. It also synergizes perfectly with his Skill 2.

Psychube suggestions
Knock on the Door
Knock on the Door
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Psychube comments

“Knock on the Door” is Isolde's signature psychube and works perfectly with her kit.

“Blasphemer of Night” is easy for Isolde to activate since [Burn] is a [Neg Stat].

As a Spirit character, Isolde can also benefit from “Balance, Please.” However, her Ultimate doesn't do damage—her FUA does—so she loses out on the Ultimate Might this psychube provides.

Psychube suggestions
The Unbearable Lightness
The Unbearable Lightness
Knock on the Door
Knock on the Door
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Psychube comments

“The Unbearable Lightness” is J's signature psychube and offers him valuable ATK scaling alongside some DMG bonus and Incantation Might.

“Knock on the Door” is a great alternative to his signature. J easily fulfills all the conditions for its passive, though he may have to fight Isolde for it.

“Blasphemer of Night” is pretty easy for him to activate since [Burn] is a [Neg Stat].

Psychube suggestions
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

Jessica is one of the few characters who can reliably make of use Blasphemer of Night, making this without a doubt the best Psychube for her. However, if you are using her without Sotheby or without means of consistently fulfilling BoN's needs, favor Hopscotch instead.

Psychube suggestions
Outside the City
Outside the City
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
On the Hand of Time
On the Hand of Time2.3
Psychube comments

“Outside the City” is Jiu Niangzi's signature psychube and allows her to stack an absurd amount of Crit DMG.

“His Bounden Duty” and “Hopscotch” are very flexible and widely applicable options you can use if you don't want to invest in her signature.

“On the Hand of Time” is a great alternative for her signature because it gives the FUA from her Channel 28% PEN Rate. She also consistently performs 3 FUA per turn, making the Crit DMG easy to upkeep.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” allows John Titor to do well against any Afflatus. However, her Ultimate doesn't do damage and can't benefit from this psychube's Ultimate Might.

“Her Second Life” is perfect for a support build; it provides healing and also makes her shield stronger.

“His Bounden Duty” is a great general pick for low rarity characters because of its high base ATK.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” is the best option for Kaalaa Baunaa especially in single-target scenarios. It works perfectly with her kit and scales up DMG over time.

“His Bounden Duty” is a great general damage option with high base ATK and DMG bonus.

“Thunderous Applause” is Kaalaa Baunaa's best option for a crit-based build. Both her Ultimate and Skill 1 can benefit from the single-target Crit DMG bonus.

Psychube suggestions
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
Psychube comments

“The Fighter's Best Wishes” is Kakania's signature psychube; its HP% substat, DMG Taken Reduction, and Genesis DMG buff all work perfectly with her kit.

“Dawn is Coming” is a good option to increase Kakania's healing, especially if you aren't running Vila.

“Beyond Wonderland” is a pretty good alternative to her signature because of its HP% substat; the extra Crit Rate isn't bad either. She isn't able to proc the debuff passive, though.

Psychube suggestions
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

As a [Poison] and [Confusion] applicator, Kanjira can use “Blasphemer of Night” pretty well. It's a good option if you want Kanjira to do more damage.

“Brave New World” and “His Bounden Duty” are great general use options, with the former being more Ult-based.

“Yearning Desire” is a great budget option that works on a lot of characters.

Psychube suggestions
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
Laughter and Laughter
Laughter and Laughter
Psychube comments

“Dawn is Coming” and “That Inquisitive Dear” both have great Healing Bonus substats. Unfortunately, La Source can't make any use of their passives.

“Take the Hard Journey” is a great budget option that increases healing when La Source is below 80% HP.

“Laughter and Laughter” requires time to ramp up its Healing Bonus, but that makes it a great option for longer fights.

Psychube suggestions
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Brave New World
Brave New World
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
The Footloose
The Footloose
Psychube comments

“His Bounden Duty” is a great option for low rarity characters due to its high base ATK and DMG bonus.

“Brave New World” is a good general option that is more tailored toward Ultimate DMG.

“Yearning Desire” requires a teammate to activate for Leilani, but her Skill 1 already has that requirement, so it's not that big of a downside.

“The Footloose” covers for Leilani's lack of damage potential in her Skill 2 by having the opposite requirement (the target's HP being above 50%).

Psychube suggestions
Stray Off the Path
Stray Off the Path
Ready on Call
Ready on Call2.5
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Psychube comments

Liang Yue's signature "Ready on Call" grants her a significant amount of Crit Rate and Crit DMG for casting her skills.

Both of Liang Yue's skills are 1-target, making it pretty easy for her to trigger "Stray Off the Path." Although her Ultimate and FUA are mass attacks, the Crit DMG buff is only removed after the attack. The damage from this psychube is actually higher than that from her signature during shorter rotations.

"Blasphemer of Night" is decent for Liang Yue with the right teammates. While she can apply her own [Neg Statuses], it's only through her FUA.

"Long Night Talk" is also a decent alternative for a buffer build, though she needs the right teammates to get two [Pos Statuses] at once.

Psychube suggestions
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
Outside the City
Outside the City
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
The Carat of a Heart
The Carat of a Heart
Psychube comments

Lilya can stack up “For Rehabilitation” pretty well and benefits greatly from the Crit Rate substat. “Outside the City” is easy for Lilya to stack up, especially after her Euphoria buff, which gives her mass attack a single-target FUA on crit.

“Luxurious Leisure” is great for Ult-based Lilya and becomes even better when she gets Moxie generation through her Euphoria buff.

“Thunderous Applause” is a great general use option for crit-based characters, and both her Ultimate and Skill 1 benefit from its Crit DMG buff.

“The Carat of a Heart” is only good for post-Euphoria buff Lilya. With her insane Moxie generation and Ult-spam capabilities, Lilya can make great use of its massive Ultimate Might buff.

Psychube suggestions
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Your Friendly Exorcist
Your Friendly Exorcist2.5
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

"Blasphemer of Night" is the no-brainer option here. Loggerhead can apply two [Neg Statuses] easily for that DMG Dealt bonus.

There's an argument to be made that Loggerhead's damage doesn't matter, though—in that case, "Your Friendly Exorcist" is a fantastic support option. As Loggerhead synergizes best with other [Plant] units, this mono-[Plant] support cube works great for her.

As always, "Yearning Desire" is a good budget substitute for "Blasphemer of Night."

"Her Second Life" gives Loggerhead an extra source of healing through her Ultimate, which makes her a more convincing half-sustain.

Psychube suggestions
The Third Commitment
The Third Commitment
Stray Off the Path
Stray Off the Path
Outside the City
Outside the City
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Psychube comments

“The Third Commitment” is Lopera's signature psychube. It increases her Crit DMG upon triggering a [Bullet], which is great because she shares her Crit DMG with her allies with her FUA. This psychube also increases the buffing potential of her Array.

“Stray Off the Path” is better for a DPS Lopera build. Since all of her attacks and skills are 1-target, she can stack up the 36% Crit DMG without ever worrying about losing it.

“Outside the City” is another fantastic option for Lopera and allows her to slowly stack up a massive 50% Crit DMG. The high Crit Rate also isn't wasted because her Array gives excess Crit Rate to Crit DMG conversion.

Lastly, since Lopera applies [Burn] through “Flaming Bullet,” you can run “Blasphemer of Night” on her if you already have it built.

Psychube suggestions
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Tomorrow Also
Tomorrow Also
Psychube comments

While Lorelei only has mass incantations, “For Rehabilitation” is a great source of Crit Rate and also offers a bit of Incantation Might to her for her Star Afflatus. Lorelei really wants to crit with her Ultimate to gain extra Moxie, and “For Rehabilitation” is the most useful option for Lorelei.

“Long Night Talk” allows Lorelei to scale up to 12.5% ATK through her buff incantation. She needs teammates to get 2 [Pos Status] buffs, but this is a pretty good option if you already have it built. “His Bounden Duty” is a good general option for all damage-dealing characters.

An unconventional option, “Tomorrow Also” is actually pretty good for Lorelei because of its 20% Crit Rate boost for her Ultimate. It also gives a very healthy amount of Crit DMG and is very cheap to build compared to 6* psychubes.

Psychube suggestions
Steps Forward
Steps Forward
Knock on the Door
Knock on the Door
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Psychube comments

"Steps Forward" is Lucy's signature psychube and is clearly tailored to her kit specifically. One might argue it's too specific, and you won't be able to run it on anyone else, but Lucy is strong enough for it to be worth it.

“Knock on the Door” is a great alternative because it buffs her mass FUA. If you can get [Burn] applied, it's all the better.

While Lucy doesn't apply any [Neg Status], “Blasphemer of Night” provides a fantastic amount of Incantation Might and DMG Bonus if you can activate it.

“Long Night Talk” is a good option since [Pragmatist] is a [Pos Stat] and Lucy's Ultimate is a buff. This psychube allows her to scale up a great 12.5% ATK while making great use of its Incantation Might substat. If you can get another [Pos Stat] on Lucy, you can even get a DMG Dealt buff.

Psychube suggestions
Another Story
Another Story
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

“Another Story” is Marcus' signature psychube; it gives Ultimate Might, DMG bonus, and Incantation Might for a well-rounded boost to her DPS.

Since her [Annotate] debuff is a [Neg Stat], Marcus can reliably proc “Blasphemer of Night” with the right teammate. “His Bounden Duty” is a good general option for any damage dealer.

Psychube suggestions
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Brave New World
Brave New World
Psychube comments

Matilda's crit-based kit makes good use of the Crit Rate from “For Rehabilitation,” and her single-target Skill 1 can stack up DMG bonus.

“Thunderous Applause” is a good general option for any crit-based character; both Matilda's Ultimate and Skill 1 can benefit from its Crit DMG buff.

“Brave New World” is another good general option and helps with Ult-based gameplay.

Psychube suggestions
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
You Deserve It
You Deserve It
Psychube comments

“That Inquisitive Dear” is Medicine Pocket's BiS option, as they are able to reliably proc its passive with their debuff for extra healing.

“Beyond Wonderland” provides a stackable healing bonus as well as some Crit Rate. It's better for more aggressive Medicine Pocket builds that use their debuff often.

“Dawn Is Coming” provides the same healing bonus as “That Inquisitive Dear,” but as Medicine Pocket lacks a buff incantation, they cannot proc the extra healing.

“You Deserve It” is a great budget option for a hybrid healer/damage build. It provides more Healing Bonus than “Beyond Wonderland” at full stacks, while also increasing Ultimate and Incantation Might.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Another Story
Another Story
The Carat of a Heart
The Carat of a Heart
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” is considered Melania's BiS (Best in Slot) as it was tailored for the way her kit works. "Another Story" is a good pick especially for short battles. Melania won't be able to make use of the second half of its passive, but the first half already gives a consistent bonus to her overall DMG output, considering that Melania will almost always use rank 2/3 incantations.

“The Carat of the Heart” is a good option for higher levels if the player wants to try out a crit-oriented build on Melania.

Psychube suggestions
One with the Flow
One with the Flow2.3
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Starlight Wellspring
Starlight Wellspring
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“One with the Flow” is Mercuria's anecdote psychube and it is absolutely incredible, especially for P0 Mercuria. Its Moxie generation makes her rotations smoother, and the DMG buff makes her Ultimate a lot more useful as a support tool.

“Balance, Please” is a great damage option and is widely useable on other characters as well.

“Starlight Wellspring” is Mercuria's signature psychube. It's good for DPS Mercuria builds, but is highly specific to her kit.

“Her Second Life” is a good option if your team needs some extra survivability.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Brave New World
Brave New World
The Severed and the Rest
The Severed and the Rest
Psychube comments

"Balance, Please" is great for a damage-focused Mesmer Jr. build. "Her Second Life" is better if you're going for a pseudo-sustain build. "Brave New World" is also a pretty good damage option and is a bit more universal than "Balance, Please." "The Severed and the Rest" is Mesmer's anecdote psychube. It is pretty cheap to build and gives her PEN Rate and stackable DMG bonus.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” is great for Mondlicht. Not only does it increase her overall damage, but the Ultimate Might also allows her to heal more from her Ultimate.

“Brave New World” also provides the same benefit, albeit without lasting or scaling effects. Nonetheless, it and “His Bounden Duty are great general use options for damage dealers.

Mondlicht's [Silver Bullet] triggers “Yearning Desire” very easily. It's a cheap psychube to build and provides decent damage.

Psychube suggestions
Outside the City
Outside the City
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Brave New World
Brave New World
Psychube comments

“Outside the City” is great for Mr. Duncan because his FUA is single-target and he really wants to crit. The large amount of Crit Rate on this psychube will make Mr. Duncan's [Bullet] and Moxie generation much more consistent. A good option for a [Bullet] support build.

“Luxurious Leisure” is better for a DPS Mr. Duncan build. He already has [Ceremonious] stacking in his kit, so the Ult-based gameplay of “Luxurious Leisure” works well.

“Thunderous Applause” is a decent option for getting consistent crits on Mr. Duncan. While his Skill 1 is mass, his Ultimate and FUA can trigger the Crit DMG passive. “Brave New World” is an alternative option to “Luxurious Leisure” for Ult-based Mr. Duncan builds.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Brave New World
Brave New World
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” is great for a damage build and is especially good for long fights.

“His Bounden Duty” and “Brave New World” are good general damage options. Pick BNW if you want to go more Ult-based. Pick HBD if you want to increase her Shield strength with its high base ATK.

If you want to build Ms. Moissan as a pure sustain, “Long Night Talk” is probably your best bet. As she uses her shield buff, her ATK scales up and makes the next shields and heals even stronger. It's difficult to proc the 2 [Pos Stat] requirement without proper teammates, though.

Psychube suggestions
Approaching Rain
Approaching Rain
Silent and Adoring
Silent and Adoring
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Outside the City
Outside the City
Remaining Absurdity
Remaining Absurdity
Psychube comments

“Approaching Rain” is Ms. NewBabel's BiS option, both pre- and post-Euphoria. It increases her riposte damage significantly, while also making her tankier.

“Outside the City” is a good alternative and works well for a crit-based build.

“Silent and Adoring” increases the Genesis DMG she deals through attacks and ripostes. “His Bounden Duty” is a great general option for any damage dealer. Its passive healing, while rather small, nonetheless contributes to NewBabel's survivability.

Finally, with her Euphoria buff Ms. NewBabel likes Reality DEF since it adds to her shield strength, making "Remaining Absurdity" a surprisingly decent 5* option.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
His Tail
His Tail
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is Ms. Radio's best option for a damage build. It increases all of her damage and even gives an extra boost to her Ultimate damage (though she dies immediately afterward).

If you're running Ms. Radio with Necrologist and don't want Ms. Radio to get one-shot, “The Fighter's Best Wishes” gives Ms. Radio some much-needed bulk.

“His Tail” is a good alternative to “Balance, Please” and offers a decent amount of PEN Rate and DMG bonus while being pretty cheap to build.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” is the 'go to' option here, as you will want Necrologist to use her ultimate as often as possible in order to keep the team buffed and help with extra survivability. With Amplification leveled and this Psychube equipped, Necrologist can take the spot of a healer in some occasions, allowing for double-carry comps.

Psychube suggestions
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
In the Shadow
In the Shadow
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
Psychube comments

“Long Night Talk” is great for Nick Bottom. His Skill 2 and Ultimate are both buffs, allowing him to scale his ATK up. His [Summer Dream] status is also a [Pos Stat] so getting that DMG bonus is pretty easy.

“Dawn is Coming” allows Nick Bottom to heal upon casting his Skill 2 or Ultimate. This extra healing is great since he's notoriously squishy.

“In the Shadow” provides an alternative option for ATK scaling while also providing 7% DMG Taken Reduction at max amplifications.

“The Fighter's Best Wishes” increases Nick Bottom's HP, which increases the strength of his Ultimate's shield. The 10% DMG Taken Reduction also works well with his Ultimate.

Psychube suggestions
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Psychube comments

“His Bounden Duty” is a great general option for low rarity units lacking ATK since it has such high base ATK.

“Long Night Talk” helps him scale his ATK every time he casts a buff, and his [Sturdiness] application makes reaching 2 [Pos Stat] easier.

“Luxurious Leisure” is best for an Ult-based DPS build.

Psychube suggestions
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Brave New World
Brave New World
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“His Bounden Duty” is a great general option for low rarity units lacking ATK since it has such high base ATK.

“Thunderous Applause” is a good general crit-based psychube, though its passive only works on her incantations and not her Ultimate.

“Brave New World” is great for an Ult-based DPS ONiON build.

While ONiON has no innate way of proccing “Yearning Desire,” her Skill 1 has the same activation condition, so you should always run her with a unit who can apply debuffs either way.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Brave New World
Brave New World
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” is perfect for DPS Pavia builds because it increases his Ultimate damage while also stacking up a general DMG buff as the fight progresses.

“His Bounden Duty,” on the other hand, provides a consistent DMG buff and high base ATK upfront. Its healing passive, while usually regarded as rather lackluster, works very well with Pavia since he likes hanging around a certain HP threshold.

“Hopscotch” is great for very long fights with lots of small mobs to kill off to scale Ultimate Might up. “Brave New World” is better for an Ult-based strategy and offers a hefty Incantation Might bonus after every Ult.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Brave New World
Brave New World
The Carat of a Heart
The Carat of a Heart
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” is Pickles' BiS option, hands down. Since he wants to cast his Ultimate every 2–3 rounds to reapply his DMG buff and he also has terrific Moxie generation, Pickles can stack up “Luxurious Leisure”'s passive DMG buff pretty easily.

“Hopscotch,” “Brave New World,” and “His Bounden Duty” are all great general options for any damage-dealing character; choose whichever one you have built up.

With his [Clarified Topic]'s rapid Moxie generation, Pickles can proc “The Carat of a Heart”'s passive to great effect, turning his Ultimate into a great source of burst damage.

Psychube suggestions
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

“The Fighter's Best Wishes” helps Pioneer perform his job as a tank better. Its HP% and DMG Taken Reduction help to make up for his 3* stat line.

“A Free Heart” is a great budget alternative to “The Fighter's Best Wishes.”

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
His Tail
His Tail
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is a great option for Poltergeist even though she misses out on the Ultimate Might. It allows her to do well against any Afflatus.

“His Bounden Duty” is great for low rarity characters like Poltergeist who are desperately in need of base ATK.

“Yearning Desire” is a great budget damage option and Poltergeist can proc its effect somewhat reliably with her Rank 2 Skill 2.

“His Tail” is like a budget version of “Balance, Please,” but offers DMG Bonus and PEN Rate instead. It's relatively cheap to build.

Psychube suggestions
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Her Mournful Face
Her Mournful Face
Psychube comments

Since Rabies can reliably apply [Poison], he can use “Blasphemer of Night” to great effect. However, since his [Poison] only lasts 1 turn, he still benefits greatly from other [Neg Stat]-applying teammates.

“His Bounden Duty” helps to cover for Rabies' low base ATK and also increases the damage dealt by his [Poison] effects.

“Yearning Desire” is very easy for Rabies to activate and is also very cheap to build.

“Her Mournful Face” is an unconventional option that focuses entirely on increasing Rabies' [Poison] damage. This is best used with teammates who can extend his [Poison]'s duration, like Tuesday.

Psychube suggestions
The Final Roll
The Final RollNew 2.6
Psychube comments

Currently there are no comments available for this character.

Psychube suggestions
Brave New World
Brave New World
The Carat of a Heart
The Carat of a Heart
Psychube comments

“Brave New World” and “Hopscotch” are great general options that help to increase Regulus' damage while also being widely applicable.

Regulus' [Restless Heart] Moxie generation helps her rapidly gain Moxie to proc “The Carat of a Heart”'s Ultimate Might passive.

As a side note, “For Rehabilitation” is terrible for Regulus despite her being a crit-based Star character because using any incantations after her Ultimate dispels [Riot and Roll].

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Brave New World
Brave New World
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Psychube comments

“Luxurious Leisure” greatly increases Satsuki's damage potential, thus helping cover one of her biggest flaws.

“Brave New World" and “His Bounden Duty” are great universal options that increase her damage as well.

“Thunderous Applause” is best for a crit-based Satsuki build, as her high PEN Rate makes crits even more valuable.

Psychube suggestions
From The Depths
From The Depths
In the Shadow
In the Shadow
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Psychube comments

Obtainable from the 2.0 roguelike mode, “From the Depths” is Semmelweis’ signature psychube. Because her Ultimate damages all allies, it can activate this psychube’s passive and grant Semmelweis the [Echoes of Life] status, which sets her to 33% HP after taking lethal damage. Each instance of self-damage on the team increases the carrier’s Incantation Might; at maximum stacks, the psychube offers a truly enormous +39% Incantation Might. This psychube also offers excellent Reality DEF and Mental DEF, making Semmelweis more resistant to damage.

“Long Night Talk” is a decent option for Semmelweis, especially if you already have it built. While she cannot activate the “2+ [Pos Status]” passive on her own ([Feral] counts, but [Fresh Blood] is Special), she does cast a lot of buffs and benefits from the ATK% increase. Semmelweis also makes good use of its base 18% Incantation Might.

As always, “Blasphemer of Night” is a good damage option if you can activate its conditions. Semmelweis doesn’t inflict any [Neg Status] on her own, but she benefits from the Incantation Might, though the extra DMG Dealt might reach diminishing returns.

Available in 1.9 from her Anecdote, “In the Shadow” is a tailored 5-star option for Semmelweis. At full stacks, it offers a very solid 12% DMG Reduction, +10% ATK, and 15% Incantation Might. Be warned, however: this is a hyper-specific psychube that can only be fully utilized by Semmelweis (and Bette, weirdly enough).

Psychube suggestions
The Carat of a Heart
The Carat of a Heart
Brave New World
Brave New World
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“The Carat of the Heart” is the Psychube tailored for Shamane that comes as an event reward in 1.3. It is advised to amplify it to at least level 2 if you want to make good use of its passive. Other options include the universal “Brave New World” or even “Her Second Life”. The latter one works as a decent extra source of healing for your team since Shamane can spam his Mass Ult.

Psychube suggestions
Brave New World
Brave New World
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Psychube comments

"Hopscotch," "Brave New World," and "His Bounden Duty" are all great general options for any damage-dealing character; choose whichever one you have built up. "Her Second Life" is great if you need more sustain or don't have a proper healer built.

Psychube suggestions
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Her Mournful Face
Her Mournful Face
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
Psychube comments

“That Inquisitive Dear” is Sotheby's signature psychube and gives her Healing Bonus and healing on debuff. After her Euphoria buff, Sotheby becomes a healing powerhouse and makes even better use of this psychube's Healing Bonus.

“Her Mournful Face” is Sotheby's anecdote psychube and greatly increases her [Poison] damage, making it a great option if Sotheby is your main [Poison] applicator. It also synergizes well with [Cure].

“Her Second Life” increases Sotheby's ATK to deal more damage and also heal more HP. It also gives some healing on her Ultimate.

“Dawn is Coming” is a good alternative healing psychube if you don't have “That Inquisitive Dear” built, though the passive is impossible for her to proc.

Psychube suggestions
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Stray Off the Path
Stray Off the Path
Thunderous Applause
Thunderous Applause
Tomorrow Also
Tomorrow Also
Psychube comments

“Long Night Talk” is Spathodea's signature psychube, and it focuses on the other DMG factors Spathodea lacks in her base kit like DMG Bonus, ATK, and Incantation Might. Since her kit is so crit-heavy, this helps to prevent diminishing returns by spreading out where Spathodea's damage is coming from.

“Stray Off the Path” is the opposite and provides even more Crit Rate and Crit DMG for Spathodea. Her purely single-target kit works well with this psychube, except it lacks a FUA.

“Luxurious Leisure” offers some much-needed DMG bonus and Ultimate Might. It's a great alternative to “Long Night Talk” but also requires some start-up time.

“Thunderous Applause” is a good option for Spathodea because she has excess Crit Rate to Crit DMG conversion. Her kit is also entirely single-target, so she benefits from the Crit DMG passive as well.

“Tomorrow Also” is a great budget option for Spathodea since it helps to make sure her Ultimate crits and takes advantage of all its base Crit DMG.

Psychube suggestions
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

“His Bounden Duty” helps to make up for Sputnik's low base ATK and provides some DMG bonus as well.

“Luxurious Leisure” works well for long fights where Sputnik can afford to build up DMG bonus by casting Ultimates.

Since Sputnik does prefer getting hit due to her [Counter], “A Free Heart” offers her some extra tankiness. This is best for a Moxie-drain AFK Sputnik build, since its offensive stats are lackluster.

Psychube suggestions
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Brave New World
Brave New World
Psychube comments

Sweetheart's consistent application of [Enchanted] makes it easy for her to activate “Blasphemer of Night” for its full effect. “Luxurious Leisure” is also a fantastic option for Sweetheart, especially in long fights. “His Bounden Duty” and “Brave New World” are great general options for any damage dealer.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Brave New World
Brave New World
Psychube comments

Tennant's single-target Ultimate makes her an effective user of “Luxurious Leisure.”

“Long Night Talk” is best for a shielder build since it increases ATK when Tennant buffs, and Tennant's shields scale off of ATK. Since [Diamond Bullet] is a [Pos Stat], it's also possible for her to get that extra DMG bonus with some help with a teammate.

“His Bounden Duty” and “Brave New World” are great general options for any damage dealer.

Psychube suggestions
The Fighter's Best Wishes
The Fighter's Best Wishes
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

“The Fighter's Best Wishes” makes The Fool a lot tankier, which is really important as a 3* with [Taunt]. The HP% substat is great since The Fool's [Corrode] damage is capped by their Max HP. Unfortunately, the Genesis DMG buff only applies to attacks and not [Corrode].

“Her Second Life” is great for a little extra sustain, especially since The Fool likes getting hit by enemies.

“His Bounden Duty” has high base ATK that helps to make up for The Fool's 3* stat line.

“A Free Heart” is a great budget option for tanking and offers a higher amount of DMG reduction than “The Fighter's Best Wishes,” albeit at a narrower HP margin.

Psychube suggestions
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Laughter and Laughter
Laughter and Laughter
Psychube comments

“Beyond Wonderland” is the Psychube tailored for Tooth Fairy. It's added at first as an event reward from patch 1.2, and it can help to cover Tooth Fairy's weakness due to its HP stat, as well as amping up her own critical capabilities.

If you don't want to invest on a Psychube that is too specific, use “That Inquisitive Dear”. It's a universal Psychube for healers, and Tooth Fairy constantly spam debuffs, so she can make use of its passive as well.

Psychube suggestions
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“Her Second Life” offers some healing as well as some extra ATK that TTT sorely needs.

As both of her incantations are single-target attacks, TTT is a pretty effective user of “For Rehabilitation.” Her low ATK makes critting a less viable strategy, however.

“His Bounden Duty” makes up for TTT's low ATK and also gives DMG bonus alongside a bit of healing.

“Yearning Desire” is easy for TTT to activate with her Ultimate and is very cheap to build.

Psychube suggestions
And the Maid Says
And the Maid Says
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“And the Maid Says” is Tuesday's signature psychube and makes her Array an even better support tool for [Poison] team comps. As Tuesday applies a lot of [Poison], “Blasphemer of Night” is trivially easy for her to activate. “Her Second Life” increases Tuesday's ATK (which affects her [Poison] damage) while also offering some healing; this is helpful in teams without post-Euphoria Sotheby.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
A Free Heart
A Free Heart
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is the best option for Twins Sleep as it allows them to perform well against any Afflatus and it also buffs their Ultimate's damage.

“His Bounden Duty” is great for low rarity characters since it has such high base ATK.

“Yearning Desire” is very easy for Twins Sleep to activate, since they have access to a wide arsenal of debuffs.

“A Free Heart” is good for a pure support Twins Sleep build where their damage doesn't matter, since it prioritizes survivability.

Psychube suggestions
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Laughter and Laughter
Laughter and Laughter
Psychube comments

“That Inquisitive Dear” is Ulu's best option because while she has some healing at base, this psychube's passive makes it more substantial.

“Laughter and Laughter” is a good budget option for a pure healer Ulu, but it requires time to warm up.

Psychube suggestions
Dawn is Coming
Dawn is Coming
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
Psychube comments

"Dawn is Coming" is the psychube tailored for Vila. It greatly increases her healing output, which is a bit overkill since her base healing is already good, but it's nevertheless a good option if you want to reach the best of her potential. The extra healing is great for content where the enemy delivers constant and heavy hits, since Vila's healing can be slow compared to Tooth Fairy.

"That Inquisitive Dear" is a good alternative for the healing bonus alone. If you already have it fully built and don't want to spend resources on building another healer Psychube, you can stick with it and ignore "Dawn is Coming".

"Her Second Life" gives Vila's an extra wave of healing every time she uses her ultimate (which is often). The ATK bonus also helps on her healing multipliers.

Psychube suggestions
Luxurious Leisure
Luxurious Leisure
Another Story
Another Story
Brave New World
Brave New World
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

Due to Voyager's high ST Ult, “Luxurious Leisure” becomes the ideal option for her. If you are already using it on your main damage dealer, however, the other options are still perfectly viable.

“Another Story” is one of these options. Voyager may not be able to take advantage of the passive tied to Eureka, but since she often casts rank 2/3 incantations, she can get a great bonus on her overall damage.

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Same Old Story
Same Old Story
Knock on the Door
Knock on the Door
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” works perfectly with White Rum as it allows her to do well against any Afflatus (which is especially important as a pure mass attacker). The added Ultimate Might is also great.

“Same Old Story” focuses on increasing White Rum's FUA damage. While she misses out on the PEN Rate, the DMG bonus and Incantation Might are both great for her.

“Knock on the Door” is a good alternative to “Same Old Story.” You can even add a [Burn] applicator to get the full effect. The Crit Rate substat is kind of wasted on her, though, since White Rum has a really low Crit Technique.

Psychube suggestions
Offbeat Strides
Offbeat Strides
Her Mournful Face
Her Mournful Face
Silent and Adoring
Silent and Adoring
Transcendent Love
Transcendent Love
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Psychube comments

“Offbeat Strides” is Willow's signature psychube, and it supercharges her gameplay by giving her 1 Moxie right out of the gate. It also increases her Genesis DMG, DMG Taken Reduction, and [Poison] damage.

“Her Mournful Face” is a decent budget option for Willow, since it buffs [Poison] DMG by 40% (and [Poison] is where the majority of Willow's damage comes from).

“Silent and Adoring” increases the damage Willow deals when her [Channel] ends. Since “Ending Pose” deals Genesis DMG, it can take full advantage of this psychube's passive. The ATK% substat helps to increase Willow's [Poison] damage, too.

“Transcendent Love” also has an ATK% substat. In addition, since Willow's [Channel] is so long, she can easily stack up Crit Rate and Crit DMG from this psychube's passive. However, the rest of the passive is useless. Willow can activate “Blasphemer of Night” extremely easily with her effortless [Poison] application. However, since the multipliers on her incantations are pretty low, she doesn't benefit very much from the upfront DMG buff. Nonetheless, it's a good option if you don't want to invest in a specialized psychube.

Psychube suggestions
For Rehabilitation
For Rehabilitation
Outside the City
Outside the City
Another Story
Another Story
Blasphemer of Night
Blasphemer of Night
Psychube comments

"For Rehabilitation" is Windsong signature psychube and easily the go-to option. It's recommended for shorter battles as it takes in average 5 turns to set up. "Another Story" on the other hand is able to make Windsong reach higher damage numbers, but takes longer to set up, so it should be favored for longer fights.

A third option is Blasphemer of Night, if proccable.

Psychube suggestions
His Bounden Duty
His Bounden Duty
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Long Night Talk
Long Night Talk
Yearning Desire
Yearning Desire
Psychube comments

“His Bounden Duty” makes up for Зима's low base ATK and gives him some DMG bonus as well. “Her Second Life” increases Зима's ATK while also giving him some healing utility. Keeping Зима healthy is important, as he loses his 10% PEN Rate in favor of DMG Taken Reduction if he's below 50% HP. “Long Night Talk” is great for long fights, as Зима can slowly stack up ATK by casting his buff. Getting 2 [Pos Stat] on him is harder, though, since he only applies [Stats Up]. “Yearning Desire” is relatively easy for Зима to activate, since he can apply [Silence] and [Seal].

Psychube suggestions
Balance, Please
Balance, Please
Brave New World
Brave New World
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
Psychube comments

“Balance, Please” is X's BiS option, since it makes him effective against all Afflatus types and increases his Ultimate's damage.

“Brave New World” is a great general use option for any damage-dealer.

“Her Second Life” provides X with some healing utility while also increasing his ATK. This is better for a pure support build.

Psychube suggestions
Beyond Wonderland
Beyond Wonderland
Her Second Life
Her Second Life
That Inquisitive Dear
That Inquisitive Dear
Take the Hard Journey
Take the Hard Journey
Psychube comments

“Beyond Wonderland” is Yenisei's BiS option because her healing and shield strength both scale off of Max HP. She can also apply debuffs to increase her healing. In addition, Yenisei has surprisingly high Crit Technique, so the Crit Rate passive is pretty useful on her.

“Her Second Life” is an OK alternative if you want a more aggressive option. The ATK% substat unfortunately only increases her attack damage, but the healing on Ultimate is pretty good.

“That Inquisitive Dear” is a great option for Yenisei since she benefits greatly from the Healing Bonus, and she can proc extra healing through her Rank 2 Skill 1 debuff.

“Take the Hard Journey” is a great budget option for Yenisei, since it provides a hefty amount of healing bonus.